Korean Weddings

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Koreans usually marry in wedding halls. There are various package deals brides and grooms get to choose from. The packages are inclusive of gown rental, flowers, cake, decorations, buffet reception, pictorials and other services. Most weddings take place on weekends. Famous wedding halls usually have three to five weddings taking place on the same day.

I've been to about five weddings and the ceremony lasted an average of half an hour. After the ceremony, there is a quick pictorial with friends and families. The cutting of the cake and the bouquet throw take place before the guests eat at the reception. I find it strange that all five wedding receptions I attended were located at the basements of wedding halls. All the weddings I've been to had buffet style meals. After the guests eat, they take pictures with the newlyweds and leave. There is no party afterwards at the reception area.

Wedding guests don't bring gifts. They give cash instead. It's very convenient for the newlyweds to receive cash. The couple gets back all the money they spent and even get more. Many Koreans give the same amount their friends donated. There's a donation log book where the names are written down with the amount given. If a friend donated $100 on your wedding, you're obliged to give the same amount when your gets married.

Now I wonder when can my Korean friends donate back the money I have given them. I am already married before I met them. I hope they will be generous enough to buy me nice presents on my birthday or on Christmas Day.

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