From the kitchen he could hear everything, and though he was not happy with the situation anymore than they were, he could not help but admire Lian Songs impassioned plea for mercy and leniency.  The man had never struck him as a fighter before, in fact he was far too vain and far too flimsy minded, a flower boy with a good vocabulary but nothing much to say.  But as he listened to his flowery words, the man himself was literally on bended knees and ready to kowtow if he had to and that alone raised his estimation of him, because the man did not bow that low to anyone least of all Di Jun.

"Cheng Yu is innocent.  She did not know it was my father in that vortex.  She was still in bee form and so small and afraid.  Everything had happened too quickly for her to understand what was happening, she would never have released her sting had she known my father was the one with her.  Please have mercy on her, she does not deserve punishment for something she had no control over." he whispered with tears in his eyes that were moments away from falling.  But as the last word left his mouth, his head did as he threw himself into full kowtow.

Ye Hua was also just as willing to kowtow for Su Su, even Grand Kowtow, but the sight of his Uncle on the floor and lowering himself to that of a mere maid, instantly had him thrusting their son into Su Sus arms to join him.

 And not only did Ye Hua and Cheng Yu join him, but Su Su sat transfixed to the scene as if she was actually in the Celestial Heavens watching exactly what she imagined took place there even though she had no experience of it.

"Lord Di Jun please believe me.  I would never have hurt His Majesty on purpose.  It was an accident ....." she started to stutter in earnest only to be silenced by Di Juns soft voice and raised hand.

"Get up, all three of you.  There is no need for that." he said as they all rose to look at him.

"Cheng Yu, I know you didn't mean to, however His Majesty is in a serious condition and one that unfortunately demands compensation.  However, it is not up to me to claim it, and nor do I have any intention of doing so." he said with a small twinkle of mirth in his eyes as if he found the entire scene before him funny, only the narrowing of Lian Songs eyes, soon brought him back to the main issue at hand and as his gaze wandered towards Su Su, Ye Hua quickly found his feet to move towards her.

"Ci Hang has filled me in on the situation regarding the seal over you and though he is correct in wanting it removed in order to find Mo Yuans body to bring him back, there is however one very big disadvantage in removing it." he said as his sight honed in on the small red dot in the middle of her forehead.

And it was then, that he informed them all of Qing Cangs Power Source.

"Unfortunately, such magic is exceptionally powerful.  I can of course destroy it, however, those who are attached to it will die." he said bluntly and forcing a sharp gasp from Ye Hua who immediately took hold of her hand.

"There is also the fact that you may have also come under its influence Ye Hua.  He may not have sealed you, but we cannot fully trust the knowledge we have on his magic, after all, what he has created should be physically, spiritually and magically impossible, therefore we must assume that you are also under its influence." he warned him which soon had the tears rolling down Su Sus face.

"Now.  You all have options, and I will give them to you, however I will also make it known now, that I do not intend to force you into returning against your will, this I feel is a fate that cannot be led.  So whatever you decide to do, decide quickly." he said before giving them their options, while Su Su sat there dumbfounded and confused as to what he meant by fate, but saying nothing, she along with the rest of them waited for him to speak.

"The first option of course is to return to the Celestial Heavens as one group and face the consequences of your individual actions." he said looking first at Cheng Yu.

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