Chapter Thirty-One

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Katniss POV- (A few hours later)

"Come on, Peeta Bread!" I say, giving him a wink and he laughs at me as I lead him to the dining room table.

He takes a seat.

Prim and my mother decided to go on a little outing to the movies so Peeta and I could celebrate his birthday together, alone.

"Stay here. I will be right back." I say kissing his blond head and running out of the room.

"Katniss, what are you doing?" Peeta asks me as I start up the stairs.

"Sit. I'll be right back." I say quickly, running up to my bedroom to retrieve Peeta's birthday presents.

"Close your eyes." I holler before coming down the stairs.

"Okay, they are closed." He calls back.

I can't wait to see his reaction so I run back down and place them in front of him.

"Open your eyes." I tell him excitedly.

He opens his blue eyes and they immediately grow wide.

"Katniss, you didn't have to get me anything." He starts, shakes his head.

"Peeta, you deserve all that and more. I really hope you like it all because what do you give to someone who has given you everything?" I tell him truthfully.

Peeta starts pulling tissue paper out, left and right.

"Oh my gosh, Katniss." Peeta says as his face lights up a bit more with each thing he pulls out.

"Do you like it all?" I ask him, satisfied with his response so far.

Instead of answering me, Peeta takes my hand and pulls me to him.

I sit on the arm of the chair and I lean down and he kisses my forehead, "I love it all. Thank you so much." Peeta says softly.

"So, now what do you want to do? We could watch a movie or play a game or do whatever you want birthday boy." I say, playfully patting his head.

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