"Sorry-"  Gusion gasped out.  "Wasn't expecting-"  Another cry left him as another flash of lightning lit up the sky outside of the house, thunder roaring.  Instinctually, he reached out, standing and grabbing onto Alucard, breaths short and irregular. 

Alucard was surprised by the sudden contact, but quickly hugged the other--it, like Gusion's reaching out, was an instinctual thing.  Gusion tightly pressed against him, greatly trembling.

"S-Sorry-" Gusion quickly mumbled out, "Sorry sorry sorry-" He sucked in a breath as another roll of thunder roared, quickly followed by a flash of lightning that lit up what seemed to be the world.  He knew it was such a stupid fear, such a stupid place to be reduced to just because a stupid, stupid event from his past.

"It's alright, don't apologize.  You're fine.  You're safe here."  The words were gentle and coaxing, no sign of pity or annoyance in them for which Gusion was grateful.  Alucard didn't know his past, didn't know his fears, yet he didn't pry--another thing Gusion was grateful for.

"Sorry."  Gusion mumbled again, screwing his eyes shut tighter as another flash of lighting illuminated brightly behind his closed eyelids.

Alucard brushed off the last apology, mind working to somehow console the other, how to help him.  An idea came to mind, and even though it might prove to be annoying, he was willing to deal with it to help Gusion.  "Let's move over to the couch, alright?"

"Okay."  Was Gusion's quiet response.  He was guided over to the couch by Alucard, trying to avoid unwanted memories and the voices telling him how stupid he was for reacting like this in front of Alucard.  How weak he was, being scared of such a stupid thing.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.  Suddenly, something went over his head, breaking him from his thoughts.  A.. blanket?

"One second, I'll go close the curtains."  Gusion blinked in confusion, his mind slowly working back away from that place of fear and trying to put together that a blanket was thrown over his head.  Quickly, Alucard was back, joining him underneath the blanket.  "You shouldn't be able to see the lightning through here."  A small frown appeared on Alucard's face as he added on, "Hopefully."

Gusion leaned back down onto Alucard, figuring he already looked stupid and weak and he couldn't make it any worse, letting out a shaky sigh.  "Thank you.  And-"

"Don't even apologize."  Alucard quickly cut him off, bringing up a hand to the back of Gusion's head.  Comforting.

Gusion slightly relaxed under Alucard's touch, letting his eyes shut again.  "But it's stupid.  Such a stupid thing to get scared by.  It--I can't forget, and it's stupid."

"Nothing's stupid--if something happened that caused you to fear it, it isn't stupid."  Alucard responded.  Absentmindedly, he started to play with Gusion's hair, running his fingers through it and such.

Gusion was silent for a bit, trying to calm himself down, ignore the part of his brain telling him with every roll of thunder lightning came with it.  Then, he spoke, "When..  Before I escaped my family, they tried to stop me.  I didn't think they'd hurt me, but.."  He stopped, biting his lip as the memories came flooding through, fresh as though they had happened yesterday.  "They used magic on me.  Electricity; trying to subdue me so I couldn't escape.  But the magic wasn't continuous, so it was constantly charged at me in frequencies that I was faster than so I escaped and then.."  And then I killed them.  His words died out on him.  Alucard would hate him for saying it, the truth, what he did.  For a man who'd never had family to hear someone murdering their own family--he wouldn't understand.  Of course, Gusion regretted it.  Wished he hadn't acted to brash, so violent, but he was an animal backed into a corner, fear hidden behind a brave front.

"It's alright, Gus, you don't have to continue on."  Alucard coaxed, as thought it was fine, but it wasn't fine, not for Gusion, gods it wasn't fine for Gusion.

"I killed them.  I used my dagger to cut them all in half.  They hadn't even seen me break free before I'd killed them, before they died."  His breathing was irregular again, but Gusion paid no mind as he battles onwards, "I was scared, Alu.  What they'd do to me.  He had said he was there to bring me to justice and I killed him before he killed me.  I could've ran, but I killed them."  Unknowingly, tears had began to roll down his cheeks.  He sucked in a breath unable to stop his words, "I regret it.  Five of them, I knew all of them, grown up beside them.  I murdered them.  Alucard, I--"

Alucard had not stopped his attempt at comforting Gusion and at one point during the mage's rant had started rubbing circles on the other's back in an attempt to soothe him.  "Stop."  The hunter instructed, pausing for a second before adding on, "Breathe."  Gusion did as told, struggling as he tried to calm his shaky breaths and sobs.  After a few moments Alucard spoke again, in a firm voice.  "You killed them in self-defense, Gusion.  They were attacking you, subduing you because you didn't follow up with their rules and beliefs.  They were more than likely going to kill you.  You were in the right to do what you did."

"But they were my famil--"

"No family that cares about each other would turn on someone because of stupid shit like that, let alone try and kill that person."  Gusion's rebuttal was quickly silenced and the mage relapsed to quietly crying on Alucard's shoulder.  It was quite a while before he spoke again.

"Do you hate me?"  It was quiet, barely audible over the thunder.

Alucard's brows drew together and a deep frown appeared on his face.  "No.  I wouldn't ever hate you, especially for your past."

Silence, again.  And then: "Thank you."

"It's nothing.  Talk to me if you ever need to, alright?  Nothing is too stupid, and never apologize for it.  Okay?" 

Gusion nodded, slightly gripping the hem of Alucard's shirt.  It was a bit childlike, honestly, but he didn't care.  His mind was a mess right now and his only anchor to reality right now was Alucard.  Slowly, he calmed down, his breathing returning to normal and his memories retreating back to the hell pit that they'd crawled up out from.  Alucard continued with his soothing circles on his back and cradling the back of his head and, unintentionally, Gusion fell asleep in that position, killed to sleep by the comfort of the other's presence.  Alucard let him, and continued rubbing Gusion's back and idly playing with his hair as the storm raged outside.  The air was stuffy, the inside of the blanket hot form the two's body heat, but he didn't mind.  He was just glad he'd managed to calm Gusion down, an added bonus of getting him to sleep--especially on him like this.  He closed his eyes, listening to the rhythmic sound of the other's breaths over the rain and thunder and feeling the rise and fall of Gusion's chest.  Slowly, he fell asleep as well, an arm around Gusion and hand on the mage's head, fingers weaved through brown locks.

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