"You were acting so tough earlier Lee Suji what happened now?" Hong chuckle very amused on the situation that is happening to Suji right now.

"Sh-shut the fuck u-up Hong Euijin.. If I k-know y-your death is coming a-after Yo-Yoonjoo got bored with yo--akk.. " Yoonjoo tightened the grip of her hair to Suji's neck when she saw the smirk that was plastered on the other's face.

"Kill her Yo--"

"What the fuck!"


"Daniel-oppa, Seongwoo-oppa thanks." Suji muttered as she saw how that white and black boomerangs ruined Yoonjoo's hair and cause wounds all over Hong's body cutting some parts of her clothes. She immediately stood up going to Jaemin.

"Let's get you back at Minhyun-hyung. " Daniel said carrying Suji as Seongwoo secures Jaemin.

"ONG SEONGWOO! KANG DANIEL!"Despite of some of her hair being cut Yoonjoo chose to attack due to being irritated. Daniel just tsked as he hands Suji to Seongwoo and told Jaemin to hide behind Seongwoo.

"You're being too much Yoonjoo. I'm sorry but I need to do this." He threw his black boomerang right straight meeting Yoonjoo's attacking hair until it inched closer to the girl's head and she has no time to dodge anymore as the boomerang went straight to her face breaking it in half. Hong Euijin who can't process anything that happened so fast stood frozen on her place that cause her death as Daniel's boomerang went straing to her neck detaching her head from her body.

"I'm sorry Yoonjoo but you need to rest now." Daniel said as the boomerang came back to him and they continue to head to Minhyun and the other's position.


"STOP! STOP! STOP! I'M GONNA KILL YOU STOP!" Renjun continued to hit the black snow shield as he yells for them to stop when they did electricuted Jisung who is still screaming from pain right now.

"ZN you don't need to that, I can counter that attack." Feeldog said.

"I'm bored you know. No one in here will be able to match us especially Marco." The said girl with slightly curled long black hair replied. She shielded the three of them.

"How can we saw their incoming attacks with this ZN? I can't see the other side." Feeldog said still enjoying the sound of Jisung's screams of pain and Renjun's desperate yelling, continuing to electricute the younger male.

"Don't worry I'm not a snow mage fiend if I can't detect any power coming in." ZN calmly replied watching her nails as Marco stayed silent playing with the 3 metal balls he have on his hand.

Kun, Jungwoo, Winwin, Lucas and the others just watched Renjun struggle to break the barrier no until a wave of shock hit Kun.

"Mark Lee tell Renjun to back away now, they are too strong!" We almost screamed alerting everybody at the same time Daniel together with Jaemin and the others arrived.

"What happened to them, Minhyun-hyung?" Seongwoo asked seeing the younger boys laying on the ground with Jinyoung's blood all over his clothes, Daehwi that is almost dropping his eyes from the comfortable ribbons of Minhyun that is healing him and Jihoon that is guarded by Guanlin and Woojin while being healed.

"They got into the early fight. Now hand Suji to me I'll heal her. Jungwoo right there need more protection as he's using more healinh power and has a way stronger healing power than I have." Minhyun answered as he lets this bandage like ribbons wrap on Suji's waist emitting warm light making the injured person to feel better.

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