{4}Overwhelming Interrogation

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💼Chapter 4💼
Overwhelming Interrogation

    Arima's eyes widened at the results of the tracker.
"What? What is it!?"
"The connection to (Name)'s phone has been severed. I can only come to the assumption that someone destroyed the phone from the other side."
"Oh God.."
"So she may be kidnapped, but by who?"
"It has to be ghouls, probably the ones from the 11th ward."
"We don't know as yet, but we can't be making random assumptions."
Arima advised, "Come on, it's three in the morning. Let's go home and get some rest, then bright and early 7 am, we'll set up something with the others.." Arima pulled Shinohara away from the cameras and dragged him out of the camera room.


    The sun shone in your face, burning through your eyelids. You took the sheets and covered your head.
Ayato stood there for a whole fifteen minutes, tossing, turning and rolling in his bed as though it's yours. His eyes twinged, annoyed at the fact that he had to sleep on the couch. "Hey, hey human!" He kicked the bed, "Mmmh?"
"We've got work to do, Eto wants to see you."
"No, I don't wanna go to work, not today.." You mumbled, facing your back against him.
Now he was mad. Every single order he gives, it gets carried out right away and you come along, took his bed, put him out of his comfort zone and now this, that's enough!
He said, approaching the bed, "Hey, get your sorry ass up out this bed!"
He demanded pulling the matrass out and flipping it over, making it fall on the floor.
"Ow!" You grunted as you fell face first, you sat up and rubbed your eyes.
"Eto wants to see you, don't be late. I'm not having my ass on the line for you." He said, storming out of the room.
You got up and ran after him to see that he was halfway down the hall,
"Wait up!" You ran to catch up with the blue haired teen, he stopped at the door and opened it.
"You're late." The high pitched voice said,
"We would've came earlier but someone," he glanced at you, "had other plans.."
"I'm sorry, I guess I overslept.."
"Okay, have a seat."
You sat down, Yamori bounded your hands and feet to the chair.
"Wait what is-"
"We're gonna ask you a few questions and if you refuse to cooperate, our friend Yamori here would have to clip your fingers and toes."
Fear was written all over your face at this point, Ayato smirked at this, hoping you were going to get tortured to death.
"Okay, question one, what rank are you?"
"I- I'm rank one, it says so on my ID."
"Question two, what exactly was your responsibility in the Counter Commission Ghoul?"
"I take part in everything actually, but before I was kidnapped, I was handling case files which was one of the most important tasks in the CCG."
"What made you join CCG?"
"I lost my mom when I was very young, I had little memories of her. She was a Special Class Investigator alongside my dad. Then one day, there was this ghoul invasion and this Kakuja named The Owl was there and she got impaled straight through the chest, her last words to my dad was to take good care of me.
After that, he grew me to always be on guard and to never trust anyone, even if it's your closest colleague, then I joined and fought alongside him. Like my mom once did."
"You see child? You see how thinking things over can lead it all to now?
Who's fault it is that you're here?"
You paused for a while and gave it a good thought, "Answer me!"
"It's my fault, okay! If I didn't stay back in my office for an extra half hour and went with my father and Juuzou I wouldn't be here talking with you! It's my fault, it's all my fault.."
"Good, the more you help us, the less time you spend with us and the more you become us.. You're free to go, this interrogation period is now over. Until next time.." Yamori said, throwing the wrench from one hand to another.
The goons took off the chains that bounded you to the chair, you warily got up and stumbled your way to the exit.
You held onto the wall for support as you walked down the ever-so-long long hallways.
"Hey, human." Ayato said.
"Yes?" You answered, stopping to look at the blue haired ghoul.
"Your hair's white." He said, brushing past you and making his way to his room.

Karma (AyatoXReader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang