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💼Chapter 6💼

     An Investigator gasped at the sight at what's going on in the computer.
"What is it?" Shinohara asked.
"Someone's hacking into our mainframe, they got in!" The investigator began to panic, pressing buttons as though she was defusing a bomb.
"Our files, our evidence, it's disappearing!"
"What are you sitting around for, do something!" Shinohara ordered.
"Nothing's working, not even the keyboard.." The investigator replied.
   In less than five seconds, it was all drained out clean, not a trace of information left.
"Oh no... It's all gone..."


    You sighed a sigh of relief, "I got it.."
Eto hugged you, "Great job!"
You clicked on the flash drive storage folder and all the stolen information and evidence was here, including the tape of you being kidnapped.
"It's all here, knock yourselves out." You got up and stretched, having sat in a position for far too long..
"Yeah, I'm gonna catch some sleep." You got up and made your way to your room.
Ayato walked a few feet behind you, his cold stare can burn a hole straight through your back.
   Ayato was getting irritated at this point, so much that he can't even stand looking at you.
He quickened his pace and walked past you, bumping your shoulder in the process.
You stumbled but held on to the wall for support,
"Hey, what's your problem?" You asked, your body still weak from the fight and having nothing to eat for the past  few days that you were here.
"Tsk.. Why are you trying to impress them?" He growled, clenching his fists and glaring at you.
"Trying to impress them? I'm helping them so I can leave! Wait.. are you jealous?"
"Foolishness." He hissed at you, slamming his fist against the wall not too far from your face where you stood. Now you're up against the wall, not able to move because his hand was blocking you from passing.
"If you weren't, you wouldn't have been pissed right now. If you let me do what I have to do, I'll be out of your hair and you'll have all the praise to yourself."
"That's the problem," he started, "Seeing that you're of good use to them, they're not gonna let you go. Not until you're dead." He said,
backing away from you.
   You stood there, shocked at what he just said. Losing balance in your feet, you fell to the floor and began to cry as though you were being tortured. But you were, only on the inside.

Karma (AyatoXReader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz