Chapter 17

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A week and half of shenanigans later

It was very early morning, long before Steven would wake up when the crystal pad suddenly activated and the three Crystal Gems appeared. Pearl was the first to step down and in a hushed pace, she rushed over to Steven's bed to see him snoozing peacefully.

Pearl let out a soft sigh as she stood up again, "Thank goodness."

"I told you he would be alright," Garnet said.

"I can't help it," Pearl said. "The idea of leaving him alone for so long with an unstab–... troubled gem like Malachite is unnerving."

"Speaking of..." Amethyst spoke up standing by Steven's tv.

Lying in a passed–out position on the platform floor in front the bed end was Malley Kite, fast asleep with one hand loosely holding the tv remote.

"Someone had a little too much fun last night." Amethyst joked. She lifted Malley's hand to grab the remote but once she lets go it flopped back down.

"Amethyst, don't tease," Pearl said.

Garnet stepped over, picked up Malley, and held her in her arms. She carefully maneuvered to the steps, passing Amethyst and Pearl. "I'm taking Malley into the temple."

Pearl tensed up at those words. "Garnet, why?" she asked while following Garnet.

"She needs a change of atmosphere." The leader explained. "I want her to feel at home not in prisoned."

Amethyst followed after the two. "If you really want her to feel at home, maybe she can hang out in Pearl's room."

"Oh no," Pearl argued. "I don't want her to ruin my water streams."

"Oh c'mon. M.K.'s a water gem and you're full of it. Oh wait, I mean your room is full of it." she chuckled lightly.

Pearl squinted her eyes. "But Malley is also part quartz. So why doesn't she go into your room instead?"

A smile steadily grew on Amethyst's face.

Malley's eyes fluttered when she finally woke up, but her form felt heavier than usual and she was greeted by darkness. After trying to move around, she figured out that she was just under something heavy. Malley stirred around harder until she found the end of the blanket. Blinking till her eyes adjusted to the light, Malley found herself on an old mattress and surrounded with many different blankets.

Momentary ignoring the lack of knowledge as to where she was and how she got there, Malley enjoyed the warmth and comfort of her surroundings and even snuggled up against the soft comforters. She yawned.

"Nice huh?" Came a nasal voice.

Malley's eyes opened wide and she rolled over to see Amethyst lying on her side.

"Morning Cuz." Amethyst greeted.

The malachite yipped and hid back under the blankets.

"Hey dudette, relax, it's just me," Amethyst said. She smiled when the younger gem's light–green eyes came into view.

"When did you get back?" Malley asked.

"Eh, awhile ago. You've been out cold for a while too." Amethyst explained. "Man, when Garnet carried you here you didn't even flinch. How do ya' do it and can you teach me?"

"Um..." Malley sat up but still held on to the blanket. "I haven't slept for a while and sometimes my body just shuts down." She looked down after explaining.

Amethyst noticed the dejected look on Malley's face and felt a tug in her chest. She quickly wrapped an arm around the malachite's waist. "Hey, guess what," Amethyst said.

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