Chapter 6

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Garnet walked to the barn to find Peridot working on some meep morp with green paint and a model of the human digestive system while Lapis was reading a graphic novel.

"Nice work," Garnet said.

"Oh, hello Garnet," Peridot said.

"Hey," Lapis said.

"Peridot, I need to talk to you, alone," Garnet said.

"Really? All right," Peridot said and she wiped the paint off her hands with a towel. "See you later Lapis."

"K," Lapis said.

Garnet and Peridot walked to the fences, far enough for Lapis not to hear. Peridot sat on the fence so she was close to eye level with Garnet.

"So, what would you like to talk about?" Peridot asked.

"As a kindergartener, you would have the most accurate facts on how gems are created, correct?" Garnet said.

"Oh, Garnet..." Peridot said with a somewhat smug expression. "Is a Ruby formed of a mineral called corundum, comprised of aluminum oxide?"

"I don't appreciate the smug but exactly. Which why I have a theory to share with you."

"A theory? About kindergarten–ing?" Peridot asked. Garnet nodded. "Hmm... go ahead."

"Is it possible for a gem to be created on earth without an injector?"

"Sure, the earth itself has exhibited its own natural process of creating non–sentient gems that humans have been–"

"No," Garnet interjected. "I meant sentient gems."

Peridot blinked a few times. "Wait. Are you asking me if a 'sentient gem' like us could be made in 'this' earth's soil... naturally?"


Peridot gave Garnet a look of skepticism. "Not. Possible." Peridot stated. When Garnet didn't respond, Peridot continued. "Even if a gem sample could make its way into the ground, it would take a massive amount of energy to create the essence and even more so just to keep itself stable while in the incubation stage. The incubation timing alone would probably be double or maybe even triple than the usual time it would take. Also, the gem itself would probably be very confused."

"How so?" Garnet asked.

"When we use the injectors, we do not just program what kind of gem we want, we also implant the gem's purpose into its subconscious. Like programming a system into a hardware. That way, when the gem emerges from the ground it will know what their name is and their purpose. Without the right programming, the gem would be no better than a quartz soldier without a battle plan or a sapphire with a faulty future vision." Peridot paused in thought, "For the sake of curiosity, why do you ask?"

Garnet looked back at the barn once more to make sure Lapis wasn't listening before pulling Peridot close and whispered into her ear. Peridot listened and nodded, while back at the barn Lapis was still reading her book.


Lapis looked up from her book, surprised by Peridot's shout. When she looked over she saw Garnet hold Peridot close and with a hand clasped over the green gem's mouth. Peridot struggled against the fusion's grip but Garnet was stronger and she carried Peridot away to the warp pad before Lapis could question things. However, Lapis' suspicion only grew as she watched Garnet flee with Peridot.

"I'm sorry Peridot. I swear I'll explain on the way." Garnet said.

Garnet activated the warp and the two disappeared in the light.

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