Chapter 10

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"Steven..." Malley muttered in her sleep. Tears rolled down from her closed eyes as she dreamed.

In the cavern, all seemed still except for Malley's sleep talking and the water. As the ocean gem continued to sleep, something large lurked and slinked in the water. Just then, the corrupted gem's head came out of the water. It was a Water Bear; large, watery, seafoam green body with six legs and a single conical gemstone located in her head, resembling a single eye.

It didn't seem to notice Malley at first until her gem suddenly started glowing. The green light startled the corrupted gem and it crept out of the water towards the sleeping gem. Then, without warning, the water bear pounces on Malley and starts trying to absorb her body into its own. Even in her unconscious state, Malley's body reacts, and she starts thrashing around in her new prison. Malley finally wakes up and her thrashing increases as she tries to struggle out of the water bear.

Suddenly, Garnet sprung out of the water and jumps on the corrupted gem's back. She thrusted her gauntlet hand into the water bear's body and pulled Malley out by the back of her shirt. Garnet gave room for Malley to catch her breath as she took out the corrupted gem.

As Garnet fought off the water bear, a pink portal suddenly appeared from above, and Steven and Lion jumped out. The boy saw the scene, hopped off his lion and ran to Malley's side.

"Malley," Steven said in a worried voice. "Are you alright?"

To calm herself, Malley took in as many deep breathes as she could before she answered. "I – I think so."

Then Lion jumped in and started licking the slime off Malley's face and hair. Suddenly, there was a puff of green smoke, Garnet bubbled the conical gemstone and sent it home before turning her attention to Steven and Malley.

"Steven," Garnet said. "What are you doing here? And in your pj's?"

Steven stood between Garnet and Malley. "I came to find Malley, just like you and I promised Malley I'd be here for her."

"When was that?" Garnet questioned.

"After I visited her through my dreams."

There was silence for a moment and then Garnet spoke.

"Steven, you and Lion take Malley home. I will get back to Pearl and Amethyst outside the cavern and explain the situation." Through her shades, she then looked directly at the turquoise–colored gem. "And when we are all settled, Malley, you and I will have a talk about this."

Malley looked back fearfully but didn't say anything.

"Do you understand?" Garnet added sternly.

"Yes, Garnet," Malley replied.

Garnet jumped back into the water, leaving Steven and Malley alone with Lion in the cavern. Once the fusion left, Malley sunk onto the floor and sighed.

"Would it be wrong to try and hide again right now?" Malley asked listlessly.

"Yes," Steven answered firmly.


As soon as everyone was up to speed, the Crystal Gems warped back to the beach house just in time to see Steven and Malley on the couch with Lion lying on the floor close to Malley's feet.

"Steven, you should get dressed. Malley, we need to talk." Garnet said.

"Garnet..." Steven pleaded, looking worried.

"You just get ready for the day,"

"But I know what happened. I know whose really responsible for the fight."

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