Chapter 11

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House arrest and no water wings, that was Malley's punishment for the next three weeks. Only three hours have passed since then and already she felt like tearing something apart just to appease this irritation. But for now, all she did was sit in the window seat with her arm holding her head up against the windowsill and watched the sea.

Steven was relieved to learn that Malley was staying meanwhile Pearl and Amethyst were surprised, but they trusted Garnet's judgment. Garnet and Pearl conversed in the temple and Steven was with Greg in Beach City (though he was reluctant to leave Malley at the first), which means Amethyst was on prison watch.

"Man, not allowed to use your wings. That's gotta be rough." Amethyst said as she dug through the fridge for something to eat.

Malley didn't respond, she just didn't feel like talking yet.

Amethyst didn't seem to notice though, "But you're lucky, your thing's only three weeks. When I first got in trouble, they kept me on a leash for like fifty years." She snorted and squirted muster into her mouth from the bottle.

Malley finally turned her head to the small quartz, "Fifty years? How did you manage?" she asked.

"Grit, spit, and a little hole time."

"Hole time?"

"Yeah... Sometimes they would let me go back to my hole at the prime kindergarten. See I was made here on earth and not just me. Steven, Jasper and..." a realization came over Amethyst. "And you..." she smiled. "I totally forgot that you're part of team earth gem, high five!" she held her hand up.

Malley just looked at the hand in confusion but otherwise, she didn't move.

"Seriously?" Amethyst said, exasperatedly. "Look, you slap your hand against mine, hard. Try it." She held her hand up again.

Malley did as suggested but she went so lightly that it could barely be registered as a pat.

"What are you, vegan? Really bring it." This time Malley gave a firm slap to Amethyst's palm. "That's it!" the purple gem expressed happily.

Even though she didn't really understand the benefit the gesture, Malley was happy that she apparently did it right. But then she thought about what Amethyst had said before.

"Jasper was made on earth? My Jasper?" Malley asked.

"Aww, you said 'My Jasper'. That's so sappy." Amethyst teased playfully. "Anyway yeah, Jasper, the same Jasper who made Malachite, was made here on earth."

Learning more about the gems who created her gave Malley a comforting feeling, so naturally, she wanted to learn as much as she could.

"Amethyst, was Jasper really as mean as everyone says?"

"Yepp. Real jerk." Amethyst answered without any hesitation.

Malley was more disappointed than surprised by that. "That's it. She was made on earth and she was a jerk?" She questioned as her tone became more desperate. "C'mon, there's got to be more than that!"

"Well, she bullied me a lot after she and Lapis unfused. Always called me runt and called Steven 'Rose'." Amethyst answered before spurting more mustard into her mouth.

Something clicked in Malley's mind at the mention of that name. "Rose?" she asked.

Amethyst pointed up over the front door. Malley looked up and saw the painting of Rose Quartz.

'How did I miss that?' Malley thought. She got up from the window seat to get a better look at it and she silently studied it.

Amethyst noticed how intently Malley stared at it and she started to get worried.

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