Chapter 1

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"You two should spend some time apart!" Alexandrite said, finishing Malachite off with Opal's bow.

The force of the arrow pierces through Malachite, causing her to unfuse into Lapis and Jasper, and they both fall into Alexandrite's hands.

But what no one noticed was that when Malachite's body exploded, a small green marble fell from the explosion, and plopped into the sea. It sank deeper and deeper into the dark depths. When it finally reached the bottom, the marble landed on a rock formation very close to the island then the earthquakes came and the marble fell in a small hole. Sand filled the hole with the marble still inside, now buried under the earth, the marble began to glow and slowly grow in size as it absorbs nutrients from the earth's soil.

Time Pass

"PINK DIAMOND!!!!" Jasper yells.

Jasper becomes fully corrupted and advances quickly on the Crystal Gems. However, Peridot pierces Jasper with a metal rod that was used to cage a Corrupted Gem, poofing her. Amethyst then bubbles Jasper and the shorty squad head back home.

While one gem was bubbled away, another gem had just emerged.

In a rock formation under Mask Island, an outline of a body was forming on the surface. Suddenly the outline began to crack from within and it crumbled away to reveal... a humanoid gem floating out into the open.

She had wavy hair, styled in a star shape. Like a short bob, but wild and frizzy. Her skin was with dark green stripes in a random pattern, similar to Jasper's stripes. She had two slender arms and two long slender legs. The upper half of her outfit, which is a deep–green and portrait neckline top that stopped above her stomach. The lower half consisted of greenish–black leggings that stopped above her ankles and she had a thin deep–green ribbon belt tied around her pants. Her feet donned a pair of black open–toed slippers. The figure finally opened her two eyes with light green irises and small catlike pupils, and she had a small normal nose on her face. She moved her hands around her back and she eventually found her oval–shaped gem on her lower back.

'Who am I?' She thought. 'Where am I?'

The gem looked around her, she saw only darkness but then she looks up and sees light. She tries to swim up but finds that she couldn't lift herself off the ground. After a few failed attempts, the gem tried to climb along the wall where her exit hole was. This proved to be a long, difficult task and she nearly slipped a few times but the gem was determined to reach the light from above.

'I must... reach... the surface.' The gem thought to herself as she continued to climb.

Soon her hands began to hurt and her feet were getting tired but even so, the gem refused to give up. As the gem got closer to the surface, she noticed the light growing weaker and smaller.

'No!' She thought. 'No please!'

But the light eventually disappeared, even when the gem had reached the surface at last. She crawled to the beach, lied down on her back in exhaustion and looked up at the sky. The gem watched the sky change from warm orange to dark blue and she grew lost in her thoughts.

"Who am I again?" She wondered aloud. Then a name struck her. "Mal–something? Male– no! Malla? Malle? Oh, Malley! Yeah, that's it! Malley something. But what else?" She rubbed her hands against the side of her head trying to think really hard. "Kite!" she shouted. "Yeah... Malley Kite. That's who I am." That made her feel a little better. "Now all I have to do is figure out what I'm doing here and why." Unlike most gems who know their purpose once they emerge, Malley wasn't too sure what she was meant to do.

Malley watched the crescent moon as it shined in the sky and the stars appeared. The longer Malley watched the sky and listened to the sounds of the waves, the more tired she became until her eyes closed and she drifted into a light sleep. Malley felt very peaceful and as she slept she dreamed.

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