Chapter 3

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Malley's eyes slowly opened and her vision was a little slow when coming into focus. When she could see, she found herself lying on the floor in a dark–red room with a lava pit at the center and gemstones floating in bubbles around the ceiling. Malley noticed her head wasn't on the floor but on someone's thigh and a warm hand rested on her shoulder.

"Good morning." A deep feminine voice said.

Malley turned her head and saw the same gem from last night. Malley shrieked, sat up and scooted away from the gem. Garnet doesn't move.

"It's okay Malley." Garnet said calmly, "I'm not going to hurt you."

Malley stopped mid–scurry, "How do you know my name?" She asked.

"I have the ability to see possible outcomes to most situations," Garnet said. Garnet lowers her glasses, gave a wink with her blue eye, and she smiled. "Plus, you talk in your sleep."

Malley blushed at the thought and was surprised by the gem's three eyes... but honest they weren't that scary when compared to Malachite's four. Garnet places her glasses back on.

"But what I want to know is what you want with Steven," Garnet said, crossing her arms. "I know why you are here but I wanted to hear you say it yourself."

Malley thought for a moment, scooted back so that she was facing Garnet, and looked at the floor.

"I'm not really sure what I want anymore," Malley said. "Ever since I came out of the ground, I've been struggling to figure out who I am and what I'm supposed to do. But I know it has something to do with Steven." She looked up at Garnet. "I don't want to hurt him, I swear. But if last night's dream meant anything... then maybe it would be better if I just stay away from him."

"I'll be the judge of that... Tell me about your dream."

With a heavyweight in her chest, Malley told Garnet about her dream; About the crash site to being dragged into the ocean with the giant Malachite. Malley also told Garnet about where she came from and how she got to the cliff. "I made the chains go away somehow and I came out of the ocean screaming. Then you came, found me and... I don't really remember anything after that."

"You fainted. You overworked yourself, physically and mentally." Garnet said. "And it's no wonder considering what you've gone through to get here."

Malley hugged her knees. Garnet patted on the floor next to her and, after some hesitation, Malley takes the offer and sits next to Garnet against the wall.

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but your dream wasn't just a dream. It was a memory from when the first Malachite emerged."

Malley's eyes widen at that. "Malachite? Is that what I am?" she asked.

"Yes... But that doesn't mean you have to be like her and chances are you'll be the only Malachite around."

"What do you mean?"

"She was defeated... and she won't come back. So long as you can prove to be someone we can trust, you won't share in her fate."

"Well that's a little unnerving but I'll do my best. So, who are you anyway and what is this place?" she looked around.

"My name is Garnet, I am the leader of the Crystal Gems and this is the Burning Room. You could say this is my room, here, we keep all the bubbled gems. We are in the crystal temple, home base of the Crystal Gems... I brought you here after I found you. No one outside of this room knows you're here."

Malley's eyes widen at that. "Won't you get in trouble for bringing me here in secret?"

"They will be surprised by my actions but they usually trust my judgment... and I wanted to know whether or not I should tell them about you at all."

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