Chapter 2

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The trip was more difficult than Malley had expected. The strength she had to use to form her wings was sapped away from after an extensive period but the trek along the ocean floor hurt just as much. The flow down in the ocean took her off guard, hitting her with more force than even the great expanse of water above her. Malley hadn't quite figured out yet that she could just manipulate the water around herself to carry her to the surface because she was too distracted by the force of the water. She refused to give in though, she will not let the very ocean stop her from getting to Steven but now she definitely knew better than to take directions from a melon. Whenever she got the chance again, Malley would climb a rock structure that led up to the surface and took a short rest on it when she was out of the water and after a few minutes she would spread her wings again and fly. Malley couldn't even tell if she was going in the same direction anymore but she kept going despite her ever–growing fatigue.

"I won't give up," Malley told herself. "I don't care what it takes."

It was night six of her difficult travel when Malley found herself flying over one of the strangest places yet. A large plateau, surrounded by numerous smaller islands. The plateau had six massive crystalline rock formations surrounding it, which housed sixteen individual crystalized pads arranged in a crop circle–like pattern. Needing to rest, Malley decided to land at the center of the summit on the tallest of the pads until she saw how damaged it was, this pad was barely held together so she landed on the side instead.

"Whoa..." Malley said as she walked around the warp pad. "someone must have really hated this thing to break it this much. But why try to put it back together?" Malley then walked around to check on the others. "These are all cracked too? Why? Oh, wait this one isn't." As she looked at it, she had a sudden thought flashed through her mind.

Dozens of feet running all over the place, several 'people' stand on the biggest pad, some light flashes over them and the people are gone. Now there was a large orange stripped woman with long wild beige hair stepping over a yellow pad, she stands in a salute with her arms crossed and she disappears in a flash. Next came a medium height blue woman in a flowing blue dress stepping on another pad and she followed the action of the other.

Without even realizing it, Malley stepped on the undamaged warp, crossed her arms in the salute of the diamond authority and the warp pad activated. When she finally snapped out of her trance, Malley found herself surrounded by light and she gasped in surprise.

"Whoa?!" Malley shouted.

Malley waved her arms around as she floated in midair.

"Oh, stars!" Malley shouted again. "How do I make this stop? Maybe something from the outside?" She stuck her head through the stream wall of light and saw the warp space, then pulled her head back. "Nope" Malley took in some deep breaths. Though she figured out already that she didn't need it, Malley found it comforting, "Just stay calm Malley. Maybe this a way to Steven."

couldn't understand where she was. First, she noticed two metal boxes standing side by side, then she saw a piece of string tied between two giant rock fingers, and two shirts hanging on the string. Malley grabbed one of the shirts and held it up to inspect it. The star! It was just like the one Steven wore in her dreams.

"If this thing is one of his, then Steven must be close by." Malley thought aloud.

She looked around excitedly but stopped when she saw the 'face' of the cliff. The statue on the face of the cliff had four pairs of arms with 4 arms spread out, and the other four converge around a wooden structure in the figure's navel. Of the four spread–out arms, only the top–right arm with an intact hand and the broken–off remains of the other hands could be seen sticking out of the beach sands in front of the Temple. The statue's remaining hand was currently where Malley stood.

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