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A/N: I just edited this chapter and I'm surprised at how badly it was written. I'm sorry for the grammar and lack of descriptions. I wrote this a year ago I think. And also this chapter is a filler. I promise Dewn and Clea's progress will happen as the story goes on. Thank you.

Vote. Comment. Share it if you want. :)

- Zee

"What do you guys mean you won't make it for today?! " Etha yelled over the phone, it was so close to her mouth. The other person on the line would have been deaf before long.

I turned around and saw Izzy leaned forward, trying to hand message me on what was going on. I waved my hands in the air to signal her that I had no clue about it. She pouted.

Chase was resting his arms on the steering wheel, changing stations to find the right country music for the trip.

"Lady! You all better be here, What? Business what!?" Etha sighed, "Okay, okay. I understand, but you all better make up for this." she dropped the phone to the side.

Chase smiled sheepishly, "Something wrong?"

Etha was frowning, it seemed like whatever she heard on the other line didn't entertain her. "They all couldn't come for today,"

Chase looked at her back incredulously, "But today is important, we're off to visit your old elementary school!" he shook his head in dismay.

"Fala and Arriane had to meet with Uncle's business partner while Reeds had to attend a children's feeding program in a small community out of town." she explained.

"And Summer?" I asked.

"I dunno, I'm finding it hard to contact her right now. Probably hooking up with Daniel or something." she answered, laughing.

Etha was funny, she was our clown. She'd blurt out something and then you wouldn't feel yourself giggling but you are. But at time she could be unfunny too. Sometimes she could be pretty annoying. Right now for instance , these were the reasons why Dewn and I chose to escape their mischiefs back then.

"It's just us then." Izzy uttered.

Etha pumped a fist in the air, "It would still be fun, though!"

Chase started the engine and the car boost to life, "Clea's here. I'm gonna be alright."

Izzy poked me on my shoulder and when I looked back she was smiling knowingly, I rolled my eyes. She's like the biggest fan ever.

"By the way, you should totally invite Clarkson sometimes," Chase suggested.

"I wish but he's too shy and always  working." Izzy pouted.

Etha wrapped an arm around Izzy, "Aww, don't be sad. I'm going to be his replacement for a while."

I thought about Dewn and replacements. If Dewn wouldn't be here there should be a replacement of here presence, I mean a sort of a substitute where I still want it to be the same replica as Dewn. I still wanted it to be Dewn. I wondered why I couldn't help but think of her all the damn time even as I went to sleep she's the last thing lurking on my mind.

I probably just missed her so much.

Our old elementary school changed a lot to my surprise. The space grew wider, the old guard wasn't around anymore. Few teachers had left the place. There were new ones.

The garden was still the same though, there were a few kids chasing each other there eventhough it was Summer. And when I scanned for some more I spotted Dewn in a red cap and baggy shirt talking to whom I recognized immediately was Mrs. Porter, the principal of the school. So she actually came?

On The Gold One(girlxgirl) (lesbian) (ON GOING) Where stories live. Discover now