Chapter 13: You Don't Hate Me Part 2

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Part 2

Caroline Wade

I woke up and saw that I was in the hospital room I looked around and no one was there but there was a note beside my phone I picked it up and read it.

‘Honey I’m sorry if you woke up and didn’t find me I had to go home take care of business and I also needed to change and take a shower I’ll be there as soon as I can and I’ll bring your stuff since you will be staying for a few more days just to make sure your ok.’

I called in a nurse and she helped me to the bathroom she helped me with bathing and then I changed into a pj’s I leave in the hospital in case of emergencies she helped me with my scarf then we went back into the hospital room and into the bed.

I logged into my phone and went into facebook i logged in with  a different name to see what people say behind my  back.

I had a lot of noticfactions from friends I don’t know most of them were boys asking for profile picture I logged into Ariana’s profile to check if she was telling the truth about Cameron and it was a lot of the girls were posting on her wall that Cameron was an A$$hole for leaving her for stupid reason.

I checked a few different people’s profiles when a pop up message pops out it was link I opened it and it drove me into a page it said.

‘Caroline Wade hasn’t died YET’

A lot of people were making jokes about my cancer and about me and my looks until I commented on one post that was talking about how lame I’m and how lame my Cancer.

“When you actually have cancer and get to deal with the pain Caroline had to go though Breathlessness, Fatigue, Hair Loss, Pain..etc then you can complain about her and her cancer but other then that you don’t have any right to talk about her behind her back and if I remember correctly you were kissing her ass so you can get into the show what happened to that you didn’t get in because you’re a bitch? That’s Karma sweetie”

I pressed enter but then I thought about it for a few minutes before taking it off I shut of my phone and though it on the table.

*Few Hours Later*

There was a knock on the door I looked up and saw someone I didn’t think I would ever see again

“Hi” he said and rubbed his neck

“What are you doing here?” I asked shocked


Hello Everybody i hope your having a good Day/Afternoon/Night

I know it's been a few days but i promise i have been writing non-stop though Youtube is addciting but i have over 5 chapters done i wanted to know where this story is going and i think i have a clear idea about that.

Thank you for Reading/Commenting/Voting 

Thank You for the great support in Time Machin i mean 5,8K reads that insane if you haven't checked it out go check it out now while you wait on the update please don't forget to vote ok 

And i love reading your Messages and Comments don't go do that LoL i love you your Beautiful 

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