chapter sixty-five

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Years later

Kai clips my necklace and breaths in my beauty. I fix his grayish white hair and put my hand on his face.

"This kids are coming home," He says happily.

"The kids are coming home." I repeat.

A doorbell goes off and I hurry down the hallway to open. It's Vance, who is what, 30? He is with his very pregnant wife, Michelle. He went to college and became a professor, then married Michelle and they are finally settling down.

Next comes Chelsea, who isn't married but has a lovely girlfriend named Darla. They want to adopt a little boy from Africa. I guess the youngest triplet is supposed to surprise you. Chelsea works as a manager at the Apple Store.

Then Breanna, who is coming holding hands with Tommy. What did Kai and I say? They are doing it a lot more civilly than Kai and I did thought. They have a little four year old. He was born on their five year wedding anniversary. His name is Anthony, and he is so sweet yet crazy.

Zoe and Dawson come in at the same time. It makes me tear up seeing how close they are. Zoe is married to a man named Gary, who apparently was cheating on her. Zoe doesn't deserve this. But she comes in holding her two girls' hands. Dawsyn and Maya. Zoe got married young, and had Dawsyn almost immediately. She never had fun. I'm glad now that she is, even though it means she may lose Gary.

Dawson, my first born, is six feet tall and has perfect signature 'Kai' hair. His wife, Lynzee has the prettiest red hair. They have Lynzee, Amber, and Tayna.
They are triplets. I guess it really does run in the family. Dawson has a music major and still does violin. Him and Zoe have an album out of covers and originals written by them. Zoe on piano and Dawson on violin. They are really close.

Andrea Lillian. She said all through high school she never wanted to settle down. She said that she wanted to play basketball professionally and never get married. She comes with her husband, Marco, and her newborn son Kyle. He goes by Ky. Andrea is a professional basketball player, but had to take a leave because of Ky. This was hard, but now she's happy.

I'm so proud of my kids. Vance is now 30, the triplets are 34, Zoe 38, and Dawson 39 almost 40. Time is crazy.

As cousins reunite, siblings laugh over childhood memories, I remember the day I met Kai Benjamin Corbett. His curly hair and his glasses. Then when I was 28, confused and wanted answers, so I get pregnant by him. I remember darker times when I was raped by Jeremiah. Thinking Zoe was Jeremiah's kid was a terrible thought. And I'm glad she isn't. Zoe Rowe, shivers.

Kai kisses my cheek as I hold little Ky.


All because I got pregnant by my best friend.

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