Tae part 1

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Y/b/f/n =your best friend name

"Come on, Y/N. We don't want to be late."

Y/b/f/n called to you from the bathroom that was in the hallway between you and hers bedrooms.

"I'm just about done!" You called to her as you looked at yourself in the mirror and fluffed your radiant curls. You two were getting ready to go to a party that her company invited you too. Y/b/f/n is in a k-pop group under Big Hit and they wanted all the groups to get together and have a party to kind of get to know each other and new groups and they said you were more then welcome to come.

You grabbed your purse and happily ran out your room and met your friend at the front door of your shared apartment. You slipped your black heals on and two were out the door.

You two took the train to the party because you guys had a feeling they you two were gonna be too wasted to drive back home.

After a 10 minute train drive that you secretly enjoyed way too much because you love the trains in Seoul, you showed up at the party and all of people were already there. Members and managers were either drinking, eating, chatting, or dancing.

"가자!" Y/f/n said as she grabbed your hand and pulled you over to where the rest of her group was which was by the snacks and drinks. They all immediately greeted you since you were friends with all of them and you all quickly got to talking.

As you all talked, you guys downed drinks of soju (or your own alcohol preference) and you started to feel a buzz. Since you were a lightweight, alcohol effected you faster. Your favorite song suddenly came on and you stumbled to the dance floor as you swayed your hips. You closed your eyes and let the music take over you. You didn't even notice Kim taehyung close to you until you accidentally bumped into him.

"I'm sorry!" You slurred out as you turned around and looked up at him with a squint.

"It's ok, Y/N. Um are you ok?" Taehyung asked with a concerned look on his face.

You smiled up at hit and lightly hit his shoulder, "Of course. I'm just enjoying myself."

"Y/n you've been drinking for awhile. You can barely stand up straight. I think I should take you home. I don't want you walking home with you this wasted." Taehyung put his drink down and held you to keep you steady as you were wobbling a bit.

You huffed and attempted to move away but gave up when the warmth of his body hit you making you rest against him. You mumbled your friends name and pointed at her from across the room.

Tae held your hand and guided towards the exit of the party. "Don't worry. I'll make sure someone drives her home."

Satisfied with his answer, you walked with him outside and too his car. You halfway fell asleep as he helped you into the car. You shut your eyes after he closed the door and rested against it. Seconds later, you heard the engine rawr as it turned on and the car started to move.

You slept for 15 minutes before you woke up a little as you felt Tae pick you up from the car and carry you inside. He unlocked your apartment door with your key and steadily walked you up the stairs and to your bedroom before pulling the cover back and laying you down. Once you were on the bed, you curled up and got comfortable as Tae took your shoes off for you and used one of your makeup wipes to get your makeup off. After he got you settled, he tucked you in and was about to walk away, but you grabbed his hand.

"Thank you, Tae. You're the best." You smiled with your eyes closed.

"Of course. I would do anything for the person I love." Tae replies softly but you were too sleepy and wasted to understand what he said.

Tae stayed by you until you fell asleep. Before leaving he looked down at you and gave you a quick kiss on the forehead and with that, he quietly left your apartment. "Goodnight, Jagi."

Sorry it was short. Should I do a part two?

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