Jungkook - Cookie Thief

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You slapped Jungkook's hand for the sixth time that morning.

Today was Christmas Eve and the boys had planned a Christmas party. Of course you were invited and to show how grateful you were you decided to make food and cookies for them.

Well you were attempting to. You got up early to make each boy a pack of cookies to enjoy, but every time you turned around two cookies would be gone. Leaving you glaring at Jungkook.

"Can I just have one more?" He begged as he stared at the cookies that you were putting in a purple gift box.

"No,Kookie. Get a life. You're getting your own box of cookies anyway. Can't you wait?" You growled as you moved the other batch of cookies away from him.

"But I want the warm cookies that come right out the oven." He whined as he reached to grab another cookie.

"Stop!" You gritted out and hit his hand with the spatula with a sigh. "Kookie, please go make the batter for the cupcakes and you'll get more cookies later."

Jungkook smiled and kissed your head before walking to the kitchen island and opening the cupcake mix.

After three hours of you two arguing over the cookies, Jungkook fell asleep and you were finally able to finish making the food.

You wiped your brow with the back of your hand and sighed happily as you looked at the food you made for everyone.

Your gaze found it's way to Jungkook, who was sprawled out on the couch while hugging a bunny plushie you had.

You chuckled and quietly walked over to him to take a picture. Or five.

You giggled to yourself and turned around, not hearing Jungkook sit up on the couch.

You squeaked as his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you down onto his lap and holding you tight.

He got close to your ear and whispered, "Who said you could take pictures of me?"

You giggled. "I'm sorry, oppa. It's payback for eating the cookies and making me cook longer."

"What did you just call me?"

You smirked "Oppa."

"How dare you." He started to tickle you until you couldn't take it anymore. In the end you two laid on the couch and watched the Christmas tree lights change quickly.

"I love you, Jagiya." Jungkook said and kissed your head.

You smiled. "Love you too, Kookie."

"So much that I can have all the cookies I want?"

You rolled your eyes and giggled "Yeah."

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