J-Hope - Regression

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"Come on."

You sighed as you struggled with the keys to you and Hobi's shared studio apartment. At the moment, all you wanted to do was sit down and relax and regress in peace.

Yep, you heard correctly. Regress.

It was your way of relieving stress that you carried on your shoulders and lately work had been stressing you out more than usual and because Hobi has been home a lot more recently, you haven't had the privacy that you needed to destress.

You would think that after 2 years of you and Hobi being together, he would know about your regression by now. That you would trust him enough to tell him, but in honesty you were afraid of him finding out. You didn't know how he would react or if he would leave you because of it.

So you hid it.

And you thought you would be able to hide it again today, but little did you know you were horribly wrong.

As soon as you got in the house, you sighed with relief at the fact that Hobi wasn't home yet and you had some time to destress.

You kicked the front door closed with your foot and tossed your bag on the floor before immediately going to the guest bedroom that you had and quickly rummaging through it to find a box that you definitely recognized.

It was a box that contained your 'little space' items. Inside were: stuffies, coloring books, a fluffy rug, cozy pjs, tutus, a purple plastic tea set, picture books, etc.

Without hesitation, you set up everything you needed for little space. You laid your fluffy (any color you desire) rug out in the middle of the floor and sat your stuffies in a neat pile on the rug.

As you pulled out your favorite stuffie, you stopped as you were about to set it on the rug and looked at it. Instead of setting it down, you hugged it tightly which immediately sent you into Little Space.

You went from sitting upright, to laying on your side with your stuffie in your arms. "Mr./Mrs. Teddy, I missed you sooooo much. I have so much to tell you about the meanies as that stupid stupid place." You said to it and you realeased your stress onto it.

"Wait! Let's dress up  pretty first and then we can talk about it." You said to the stuffie with a smile as you sat the stuffed bear down and speed crawled back to the closet. You pulled out the puffy, pink tutu you had and put it on.

Within seconds of having it on, you stood in front of the teddy bear and did a twirl in front of it.

"Don't I look cute? Much cuter then those dummies." You said, with 'dummies' referring to your coworkers.

You continued to twirl around the room with little giggles leaving your mouth while random lyrics from different songs filled the room as your sang.

You sang so loud that you didn't have a chance to here the front door close shut.

"Y/n?" Hobi called out as he walked into the living room. Confusion took over him as he heard what sounded like a child singing.

You giggled and hopped around the room you were in with your stuffie in your arms as you laughed. You didn't even here Hobi coming up the steps and wandering towards the room that you were in.

You swayed your hips around as your sang again, not knowing the Hobi was now in the doorway watching you. You continued to enjoy yourself until the sound of your name made you stop and turn with horror.

"Y-y/n?" Hobi said as he looked at your with a lost look on his face. What was he supposed to do at that moment? He had just walked in on his girlfriend dancing around like a little kid with a stuffed bear in her hands. Not to mention she had a tutu on and was in a room scattered with toys and stuffed animals.

At that moment, all you wanted to do was hide. You wished the floor would scoop you up and swallow you whole. But that obviously wasn't gonna happen, instead of hiding, you cried.

You collapsed the floor and balled in pure embarrassment and sadness because of the look Hobi gave you.

"No wait!" Hobi rushed out as he quickly went to your side and pulled you into a tight hug.

"Don't cry, baby. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." Hobi said in a gentle voice.

"B-but, you think I'm weird. Daddy thinks I'm weird!" you said as you cried harder in embarrassment.

Hobi slightly flinched at what you called him, but he knew that now wasn't the time to freak out about it. After a quick moment, he finally realized the kind of situation he was in.

"Y/N, baby, did you regress?" Hobi asked you, to which you answered by sniffling and shyly nuzzling your head into his neck.

"Aw, baby. I'm sorry I didn't know. I promise I don't think you're weird. You're still my baby." Hobi said as he took you over to your stuffie and grabbed it before handing it to you.

You brought the stuffed bear to your chest and squeezed it tightly. "Pwomise?"

Hobi chuckled and kissed your cheek. "I promise."

With a smile, you looked up at him. "I wuv you, daddy."

"I love you too, princess. Now how about we go downstairs and get snacks and watch movies?" Hobi said as he stood up with your in his arms.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" You squealed with your arms flailing with excitement.

Hobi laughed at your cute response and you two went off down the stairs with smiles on your faces.

Hey guys, this is my first regression imagine. Please feel free to leave any feedback on what you think about this chapter. Please let me know if there is anything important that I should know about regression before I write about her regression imagine.

I luv you guys💜

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