Chapter 40: lies comfort us

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Lily's POV:

Why the hell did I drink, why the hell did I have to do what I did?! as much as I wanted to blame it on blaze, I knew I couldn't. yes.. he gave me the shots... but I'm the one who drank them. I sat there sobbing into my hands. the room was dark..... it's only noon. and I already have one more thing to hate about myself.

I heard a knock on the door and rebel walked in. "do you want something to eat" she whispered. she sales us do loud and out going, I guess me being broken... made her broken. I shook

My head not looking up. I heard a sigh and the sound of the door closing.

Blaze's POV:

I had been in the car for awhile. I felt awful. why did I give her alcohol, even after she threw up from the first time. I heard the other door open. I didn't look up. "you can't hide forever, I mean your in his car... and your staying at his house" I heard jinxx say. he was right. I just didn't want to believe that all this had happened. "Come on... we've been waiting for you to help us" jinxx sighed. I continued to stare out the window.

Jinxx let out a deep sigh and opened the door. "it's sad that you feel more sorry for your self than you do for the girl you did all that shit too" jinxx muttered in anger. I looked over to him and he slammed the door.

I don't know if that hurt more cause it was the truth or if it came from someone who thinks the world of her, the fact she chose me over him. and just look at what I've done to her. I took a deep breathe and opened the car door. I stepped out and got hit by rain drops. I walked into the studio and everyone looked up, that is.. everyone except cc. he had every right to be mad at me. I certainly would be if I was lily's dad.

I took a seat on the couch by the pool table. jinxx looked at me and smiled. well at least I think that was a smile. my mouth formed a straight line. Cc got up and left, I assume it was cause he had to record the drumming. "Why is cc in such a bad mood" Andy asked drinking his monster.

"Remember last nights party?" I sighed. everyone nodded. "well..." I began to tell them everything. from the throwing up, to the getting drunk, and to... you know what. theirs mouths dropped open as I finished telling them what happened. jinxx just sat there looking at the ground. "man, you screwed up" jake said. I nodded. "What was cc doing when this was going on?" Ashley asked. I shrugged. where had cc been? it didn't matter. "that's actually a good question, I'm surprised he didn't hear lily puking up Niagara falls" jinxx added.

"Ya well what do I do?" I asked. the four of then looked at each other then back at me. "well, you do live with him.. so he can't stay mad at you forever" Andy replied. jake nodded. "plus he will get over it soon" ashley added. I sighed and nodded. "Blaze were ready to record" I got up and smiled at the guys.

Jake's POV:

Blaze was called in. he turned and smiled at the four of us. we all fake smiled back. he bought it and walked down the hall to the recording room. "ok well those were all lies" ashley said. I nodded "we had to say something" I replied. "what else were we gonna do?" Andy replied. "say, blaze your dead meat and there's no hope for your survival right now" andy added. we all nodded. usually we don't lie. "why is cc being all weird about it?" ash asked. "Well, lily is all he has left of anna, and he did trust blaze, I mean if it was rebel I'd be mad, but the fact lily is all he had, makes it twice as bad" I replied. jinxx let out a sigh. "your hiding something" Andy narrowed his eyes at jinxx. "tell us what it is" ashley said in a serious tone.

jinxx took a deep sigh. "what if this is our fault? I mean, where the hell was cc during all this, and where the hell were all of you. I mean I was the one who told rebel about lily drinking, but I guess I was too late." he said. he all looked at each other. "well" jinxx replied. I gulped. "ash and I were drunk" I admitted. "and I was with juliet at my house watching movies so I wasn't there" andy replied.

Cc walked into the room and we all shut up. After about ten minutes of silence jinxx finally said something. "christian..." he sighed. cc looked up. when ever we call him christian he knows something is wrong. "what" cc muttered. "Where exactly were you? last night? it was your party" jinxx asked. cc stayed quiet. I knew this would happen. truth, ash and I weren't drunk, that was a lie. we had taken cc to a club. I have no idea why but ash and I thought it was a good idea.

Man we screwed up, for the rest of the day it was quiet. all you could hear was blaze's amazing voice along with andy's sometimes together. blaze would do the scream and sing some and ten and would pick up where blaze left off. blaze is a good kid. but weather he met to or not, weather he wants to admit it or not, he screwed up.... big time.

AUTHORS NOTE: yes I know the chapters are getting short, I have writers block and I've been working alot on my jinxx fanfic, which will be published when I finish the first ten chapters. but my friend keeps wanting to know when the second boom for this comes out and I have to say it will probably be in two weeks after I finish the first six chapters of the second book. But I think this book of the series will be done by the end of this week.

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