Chapter 13: you were right to worry

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Blaze's POV: I kept trying to open the door but i couldn't get it to. I hit my fists against the door. my hands started to bleed. I leaned up against the door and slide down on to the floor. I checked my phone. I had cell reception. I began to text rebel:

blaze:hey I'm locked in a room, I don't know where exactly,

Rebel: WAT?! how, never mind, why didn't u text lily?

Blaze: I'm still mad at her,

Rebel: your an idiot, fine we'll come find you,

Blaze: thanks,

I sighed and turned off my phone.just great.

Rebel's POV:"DAMN IT BLAZE!" I yelled. "let's go blaze got locked in a room" I said grabbing my jacket. lily didn't ask why she just followed. I ran downstairs and through the Halls. "where do you think he is..lily?" I turned around and lily was gone. I looked around and couldn't find her. great just great. I started to walk around more and came across a dimly lite hallway I heard someone hitting something. "blaze?" I thought. I ran down the hallway. I'm wearing knee high combat boots that had a medium sized heal. but I can still run. I ran to the door and put my head against it."BLAZE ARE YOU IN THERE?!" I yelled. "REBEL. IS THAT YOU?!" I heard him reply. I opened the door and saw blaze jump up from the floor. his knuckles were bloody. probably from punching the door. "where's lily?!" he said. "uhuhh about that..i kinda lost her trying to find you" I replied rubbing the back of my head. "WHAT?!" he yelled. he sprinted down the hallway and I chased after him.

lily's POV: I was so confused, where was blaze, where do we start looking? I turned around for a second and rebel was gone. "ok stay calm lily, stay calm" I whispered to my self. looks like I was right to worry about tonight. I ran around looking for doors to find out we're blaze or rebel was. I found one and opened it. it closed And I saw a bunch of people infront of me. they were jumping and head banging.the room was pitch black and strobe lights were the only way I could see. crap I'm in the audience. I walked around the crowds of people and some how got to the middle. there was a huge mosh pit forming. I was wearing combat boots that had a some what large heal. I tried to walk back but was trapped in the middle. I saw a tall guy infront of me. he was walking towards me. I backed up and tripped. I felt my head bang against the concrete floor. then everything went black.

Jinxx's POV: we were preforming the first song of our set which is "rebel yell" the stage was lite up by strobe lights and other than that it was pitch black. all that was on my mind was lily. something didn't feel right. I ran around stage playing my guitar as we finished the song. I was exhausted and we had only played three songs. Andy started to talk and I knew it would be awhile before we would do the next song. ash went over and grabbed two water bottles. he threw one at me and I caught it. I drank some. "you ok?" ash said giving me a concerned look. "Ya ... just worried about lily" I sighed walking back stage and setting the water bottle down. "Don't worry I'm sure she's fine" jake said coming back and taking a drink from a bottle of coke. I sighed, "ya I'm sure". ash was coming back to sit by me. "GUYS COME ON WE STILL HAVE TWO MORE SONGS!" I heard Christian yell. "so much for our break" ash muttered running onto stage. "THIS ONES CALLED FALLEN ANGELS" andy announced as we began to play. the crowd went wild and I noticed a huge mosh pit in the middle of the crowd. it was huge. I'm glad lily is back stage.We finished the set and I was relived that I could finally check on lily. "THANK YOU BVB ARMY" Andy yelled. jake,ash and I ran off stage as and said good night to the fans. I sat my guitar down and ran to where I expected to see blaze,rebel, and lily. but saw no one "uhh.. JAKE! CHRISTIAN!!" I said turning and running to where cc and jake were. "rebel,lily,and blaze are gone!" I panicked. Jake and cc tried to calm me down. "maybe they went back to the tour bus" ash said. I shook my head "lily can't walk that far in those boots, plus she wasn't feeling well." I replied. "let's stay calm and go look for them" andy added. I got up and we ran downstairs.

blaze's POV: "LILY!" rebel shouted over and over again. "Ugh we've checked everywhere" rebel sighed. "What about there?"i pointed to a door. we looked at each other and ran to the door. we opened it and saw a crowd clearing. we walked in. "its worth a shot" rebel sighed. we ran against the crowd. it's a good thing rebel and I are pretty tall other wise we would have lost each other. rebel stopped. "" tears filled her eyes. I ran over to her and was. shocked. I felt my eyes swell up. I stared at lily.. my girlfriend.. laying on the floor. I ran over and kneeled down beside her. "lily?" I stuttered. I held her head In my hands. she looked so pale and lifeless. she has bruises on her legs and her forehead. I started to cry. rebel looked at me. her hand covered her mouth. she was crying.

By now everyone was gone but me rebel,and lily. just us. the room wasn't dark anymore. it was lite up with over head lights. the concrete floor was cold. it was silent. all you could hear was me and rebel crying. until I heard the doors slam open. I saw 5 guys standing there, shocked at what they were seeing. cc ran over with jinxx. cc looked down at lily. her lifeless body. laying across my lap. Jinxx looked like he had just been punched. cc kneeled beside me and started to stroke lily's hair. Andy pulled put his phone and called an ambulance. before I knew it we were on our way to a hospital.

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