Chapter 8: i still like him

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Lily's POV: I woke up in my bed some how but I swear I fell asleep in the tv room. it doesn't matter. I rubbed my eyes and got up. Tonight we would be playing a show in Florida. the show I had met blaze at was in georgia. so it wasn't very far away. I'm suppose to meet blaze after tonight's show. I got up and went down stairs. today felt like just another normal day. everyone was still asleep so I decided to be a good friend and make a lot of noise. I grabbed a bunch of pots and started smashing them together. I went into the bunk area and kept smashing them together. "COME ON GUYS IT'S ALREADY NOON GET YOU ASSES OUT OF BED" I yelled. Andy threw a pillow at me. everyone started to moan. I decided I had done a good job of waking them up. I closed the bunk room door and went into the kitchen and saw rebel pouring coffee into the sink.i take it she's half asleep. I walked over and grabbed the coffee pot from her. I poured some coffee into a cup and handed it to her. She stood there starring off into space slowly drinking her coffee. Jinxx rubbed his eyes and walked into the kitchen. He looked over at rebel then at me. "I'm not even gonna ask" he said walking over to the toaster and putting a few eggo waffles in it. I sat down in the booth and started to check my messages. I saw that I had one from blaze. I started to text him and our conversation went like this:

Blaze: mourning beautiful, cant wait for the concert.

me: aww good mourning, same :)

Blaze: there's something I have to ask you when we meet up, I have to go take a shower though. bye

Me: ok bye :)

Now I'm all curious. I love everything about him. his double lip piercing, his flippy black hair, his chocolate brown eyes. just thinking about him makes me smile. I didn't realize that I had been slightly fangirling outloud. when I looked up rebel and jinxx were starring at me like I was high. I smiled "uhuh heheh" I akwardly laughed. I ran upstairs and slammed the door to my bed room. I jumped on my bed and started to scream happily into my pillow. I laid there for who knows how long until I heard someone walk in. I felt my bed sink down next to me. I looked up from my pillow and saw jinxx sitting next to me. my face turned red and I froze. he was wearing black skinny jeans and a plain black shirt but It wasn't what he was wearing, it was the look in his eyes. it made me get butterflies and then. I broke inside. I still have feelings for jinxx, but I think blaze is gonna ask me out tonight, and its not that I don't want him to its just that I love them both. jinxx snapped me out of my thoughts."you ok" he said putting his arm around my waist. my face turned red and I looked down at my hands. " fine..just..fine" I said getting up and running into the bathroom. I began to cry. I don't know why. I wiped the tears from my checks and began to rinse my face. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 3:00 p.m. I realized I had left jinxx alone so I opened the door and saw him sitting on my bed still. he looked up at me and gave me a concerned look. he got up and walked over to me. I broke out into tears again and hugged him. I buried my head into his chest. I just wanted to stay like that for hours.

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