Chapter 34: secrets and more worries

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Lily's POV:

I sat in a booth in the kitchen just staring out the window. thinking. how badly I wanted something. I felt arms wrap around me. "you ok?" my dad asked. I wanted to cry. but I hid the tears. guys can't tell when girls hide there feelings. "ya" I nodded and smiled. but it was a fake smile. he smiled back and placed a kiss in my forehead. he got up and went back to the bunk room.I let out a deep sigh.

Tonight the guys are playing one of the two concerts we had left. "Are you sure you'll be ok" blaze looked at me. I wanted so badly to say no, to cry in his arms. I felt the tears fill my eyes. I nodded. he wrapped me in a hug. "guys I have to stay here" he said as bvb walked into the kitchen. my dad looked at me and my tear filled eyes. he nodded and they left.

"Why are you crying" blaze kneeled down beside me. "I just..." I whipped the tears from my eyes. "I just really wanna have something that I know I can't have" i managed to say. he wrapped me in a hug. "you can tell me what it is' he replied quietly. "ill tell you when we get home. he smiled and kissed me.

It had been around two hours since the guys had left. the three of us had just watched batman and captain America. the guys came in sweaty and tiered as usual. "BATMAN". Andy yelled running over to us and directing his eyes to the TV. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

I didn't really wanna stay up. I decided to go to bed even though it was around nine. I fell asleep in blazes arms in my bed upstairs.


"In worried about lily" I sighed sitting at the counter in the kitchen next to Andy and jake. "just talk to her" Andy replied sipping his monster. "she wouldn't tell me last time I asked" I muttered. jake rolled his yes. " just sit down and talk to her, you were in a hurry cause you were getting ready earlier." jake added. "your right" I took one last sip of my monster and threw it into the recycle been. "nice shot man" ashley said coming in with a bottle of whisky.

I laid in my bunk staring at the ceiling. Lily is so sweet and nice. it's not that I don't trust blaze with her but, I just have a feeling she will do something she will regret. I let out a sigh. "cc get some sleep we have our last show for the tour tomorrow" I heard Andy say. I rolled my eyes and turned on my side. I looked at the pictures lily had put on the wall of my bunk awhile ago. we've had this bus for a long time and when lily was little she would sleep with me in my bunk. she would decorate the walls with photos we had taken on tour. where ever we went she would take a photo and hand it on the wall.

I looked at all the pictures of lily. some were her before she had pink hair. she had first dyed her hair when she was around the age of seven or eight. in some she had long blonde hair. I remember it would drag on the floor ok she got it dyed and cut it down to her waist. Anna and I would call her rapunzel. I laughed a little at the thought of her and her long hair. she usually tripped on it. but it was cut when she called cause instead if crying she would just laugh. I finally fell asleep. after about eight more minutes of staring off to space.

Andy's POV: I knew why lily was acting all weird. juliet had told me. I sat out side. thinking about everything. I lite a cigarette and started to smoke. I heard the door open and saw blaze come out. "hey" he Whispered as he came and sat on the ground next to me. the bus was stopped at the venue cause we got here a day early. he let out a deep sigh. "you ok" I turned and looked at him. he hesitated to answer for a moment. "I'm worried about lily, she won't tell me why she's sad till we get home" he said quietly. "I know why she's sad, but I think it's better she tells you" I replied still smoking.

Blaze's POV:

How did Andy know but I didn't. did she slips say something. did someone else tell him. I don't know but it's making me confused. I put my head in my hands. Andy looked down at me. "she'll be fine" he reassured me. "I hope your right" I muttered.

Authors note: yes another short chapter once again I have something big planned. after chapter 40 they will be longer. but there's only gonna be 45 chapters, then the second book c: hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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