Chapter 1

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I woke up with sadness deep in my heart . I knew what today meant . Breeding day . I guess I was of 'age' to be bred to a wolf . I was shaking in my bones.

I didn't want he heartache that came with breeding . Having to do something that special with a random wolf . Then on top of that have a baby , and give it away immediately . I saw how bad it hurt the other girls , the pain was always in their eyes never leaving .

I was human fortunately , and the facility I was living in bred humans and werewolves together to make a hybrid . They took our babies and sold the hybrids to the highest bidders at auctions .

Or so that's what jess told me . She had been here the longest . She's been bred a few times and knows what it all entails . No one really knows how we got here though .

We all just kind of woke up here , we were all pretty confused . As much as we try to remember we all can't . I want to remember though , and maybe go back to wherever I was from . I wanted to go back to wherever I had been before.

It's pretty boring here , we all stay in our cells all day long , and the only time we get out is for breeding or doctors appointments . I don't know how we haven't gone crazy .

But Jess made it fun , she was a nut job . With ginger hair and pale blue eyes she was a killer with the looks as well . Nothing ever brought her down , that's what I loved about her ,her attitude was always bright and shiny .

"Hey bucko , whats got you in such deep thought ?" Jess asked . Form across the hall. We basically became friends because we were right across from each other . "I'm nervous for breeding day ." I answered back . "I'm nervous , what if I get paired with someone scary?"

"Well you do remember the story of the Alpha right ?" She said ominously . "Oooh tell the story ." Val said from her cell to the right of me . I hated the story , it scared me .

"Ok everyone who wants to hear get close ." Jess said . Everyone surrounding her cell immediately gathered close . "On a stormy night years ago the capturers went out , trying to catch the biggest alpha of all."

"They had been after him for months , anyone nearing him get slaughtered by his razor sharp six inch claws . He was fast but the tranquilizing dart was faster , he was caught and has been chained here ever since . They say no one has ever been into his cell and made it out alive , countless have died from trying to be bred to him."

Everyone was immediately scared by her story , I was terrified . "Do you think it's true ?" Lupe asked .

"I hope not ." I Said back . "It's not guys , it's just a story ." Jess said laughing . "You know I hate that story ." I told Jess . "Sorry ." She giggled.

"Gosh I can't wait for breeding day , they always stick me with Joshua and he's so dreamy ." She gushed . "Does it hurt ?" I asked Jess . "Yeah at first but it starts to feel good after , sometimes it takes a few pairing before they figure out who you work good with ." She explained .

"Plus the conversations after are always amazing , Josh always explains to me what the outside world is like ." Jess told me .

"Can you tell me what he said ?" I asked . "Sure He said there were big trees , and rivers just like in the books!" She said excitedly .

"Wow ." I exclaimed . I took Jess' word for truth . She had been here the longest and never have me any reason not to believe her . She had been here for 7 years , while I have only been here two .

I had bid my time long enough . There was nothing I could do , they had all control over me . If we disobeyed we got hit with the cattle prod . I had enough burn marks to prove it .

You could say at first I had been ornery , I had more spirit . But I quickly lost it after I felt the cattle prod . As long as I was good they treated me as such . Giving me books , cookies , and coloring pages .

I didn't mind being here as much as everyone else . It was sad Sure and I wanted to leave , but I had learned to accept what I had . I tried not to think about escaping because it was false hope.

I sat there looking through a picture book I had received , as I heard the guards enter our hallway . I knew that it was time to do what I was here to do.

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