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My younger brother kept glaring my way as we ate breakfast the next morning

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My younger brother kept glaring my way as we ate breakfast the next morning. He seemed like he was hiding something, maybe I made him angry when I stayed out too late. The maid quickly came around, interrupting my train of thought. She raised the pot in her hands, letting me know it was time to leave.

A soft smile came across my lips, not like yesterday when she first told me to do my chores. I pushed in my chair in, and took the pot from her hands. This would be the second day this week, I've spent with Jimin, the man who kidnapped and tortured me.

Taehyung watched me as I left, letting his eyes land on the barely noticeable smile on my face. I left him at the table, and rushed through the back doors, to the same waterfall we met as last time. The second that I walked through the path of bushes and tree branches, I saw him. My eyes were glistening as I watched him stand in the water that rose up to his waist. Jimin's back would face me, as his fingers slowly went through his wet hair, making me lose conscious of why I was here in the first place. 

I let out a quiet sigh, and took a couple steps to the water. I set the pot onto the grass, gulping when it let out a small thud. Jimin slowly glanced over his shoulder, staring back at me with fiery eyes. I felt Jimin's eyes on mine, and managed to glance into them. He turned around again, and all I could see were his strong back muscles, as they were more prominent, now that I got closer.

"Should I just stand here?" I crossed my arms, as he turned around with those same eyes.

"Give me that towel." He harshly spat.

I grabbed the towel that was sitting on the ground, and tossed it at his chest, covering my mouth as it landed in the water. "That was accident, I swear."

Jimin slowly looked up from the water and at my fearful eyes. I took a giant step back, as he walked towards me, but remembered that I shouldn't be scared anymore. I stood still, looking up at him as his wet body touched mine. "Was that revenge for the things I've done to you?" He lowly muttered.

"Because, there's still so much I have planed."

"You're bluffing." I couldn't believe the words that just left my mouth.

"Do you really think I bluff when it comes to this, Princess?"  He gave me a faint smirk. "I can show you if you don't believe me."

Jimin raised his brow as I was silent, letting out a rude snicker. "That's what I thought." He turned.

"Do it."

He paused in his place, trying to make sure that he heard my correctly. "What did you just say?"

"You said you'd hurt me again, so do it." I gulped when he harshly grabbed my wrist, and pulled me towards him. "I don't know who you think you're trying to challenge princess, so I would close that mouth of yours before anything stupid comes out again."

"I want you to hurt me." I said with fierce eyes.

Jimin's brows lowered, looking at me like I've said something insane,which I did. He harshly grabbed my face with his hands. "Are you fucking asking to be killed?" He shouted with anger in his voice.

My heart felt empty. I needed someone like him to fill it. I wanted to bleed out and feel the same pain that kept my adrenaline running like when he tied me up in that chair. "I don't want to live my life as the princess anymore."

Jimin slowly shook his head. "What the hell did I do to you."

"I don't know." I whispered as my lips trembled.

"You're supposed to hate me." Jimin muttered as his hands were still grabbing my face.

"I know." I blinked my tears away, before looking into his beautiful eyes. "But I don't."

Jimin's face went pale as I pressed my lips to his, kissing him like I've dreamed of doing. He pulled back, trying to lightly push me away, but my lips hooked onto his, bringing him back. I was kissing the man who kidnapped me, but I didn't seem to think that way. My lips slowly pulled away from Jimin's soft ones, and I looked into his glistening eyes. The corners of my lips slowly curved into a faint smile as my cheeks turned pink.

"I'll see you tomorrow Jimin." I picked up the pot from the grass, and carried it over my shoulder.

"Stay safe princess." He calmly spoke as I walked away.

I bit my bottom lip, trying to hide a smile that was forcing its way to my lips. My red cheeks still have not returned to their original sandy color as I went through the castle gates. I walked to my bedroom and jumped onto the bed, squealing into a pillow.


I peaked through the little space between me and the pillow. A maid stepped into my room with a tray of food, which was lunch I'm guessing.

"What are you so giddy about?" She straightened her apron.

"Nothing." I hummed, while my batting my lashes.

She raised her brow. "I'm not so sure about that."

"Where are my brothers?" I changed the subject, after noticing it was quieter than usual.

"Namjoon is at another royal event and Taehyung went into the town to take a walk." She responded.

"Ah." I slowly nodded, before a sudden gut feeling hit me. "Why'd he go on a walk?"

"He just told me that he has business to take care of." She shrugged her shoulders. "He said there's nothing to worry about, and that I shouldn't send you to follow after him."

My heart nearly dropped as I quickly began to get paranoid. "Why didn't he want me to go? Where exactly is he walking? What side of town will he visit?"

"Alana, Alana." The maid chuckled as she held my shoulders. "What are you panicking for? He should be back soon, and you can ask him your questions."

"What did he take with him?"  I asked, knowing this could give me the painful truth I was not wanting to hear.

"His sword and helmet."

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