The face he made made me laugh out loud. "I'm sorry," I managed through my laughter. "I didn't try it," I said. I tapped him on the nose, making it scrunch up in response. "That's what happened when you say something stupid," I told him with a smirk.

"It's not stupid," he rebuked. "It's the truth." He grabbed me by the sides and sat me up so I was straddling his thighs. As soon as I was settled, he dug his fingers into my ribs, tickling me with no remorse. I shrieked with laughter as he assaulted my sides.

"B-Bon, stop it," I gasped. "T-that tickles." He only smirked and continued to tickle me relentlessly. He carefully flipped me over onto my back and crouched above me. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips, his hands coming to rest on my sides, slowing to a more gentle, comforting movement. I reached up and grasped his shirt in my fists, pulling him closer. He pulled back after a moment and stared down at me, making me blush harder still.

"You are cute," he told me.

"Right back at ya," I said with a smile, punching him in the shoulder lightly. He leaned back down for another kiss, this one more rough than the last. The feeling of his lips on mine was overwhelming, and I let him do all the work, too lost in the moment to do much else. I pushed him back by his chest after a minute or so, needing air. He kept his forehead against mine as we both caught our breaths. "Beautiful," he muttered, his lips brushing against mine as he spoke.

"I love you," I whispered.

"Love you, too," he murmured. He moved himself to lay beside me on the couch, but it wasn't enough space, so I ended up laying on him, my head on his chest. His hand returned to the small of my back, reaching under my shirt to rub bare skin. "How you holding up?" He asked, and I knew he was talking about training and emotional stress.

"Okay, actually," I admitted after a minute. "Training was hard today because I haven't been for so long. It was also nerve wracking because Lewin Light, the right hand of the paladin, was there to watch."

"Really?" he asked, sounding shocked.

"I lied to Angel during our 'meeting,'" I said, using air quotes. "I think he either knows for a fact I was lying or is at least a little suspicious," I told him. We hadn't talked much about the meeting because there wasn't much to discuss. This was the first time we were really talking about it.

"You lied to the paladin?" he asked disbelievingly. "How'd you get away with it?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "That must mean it was a pretty convincing lie on my part," I said. "I've had plenty of time to practice, that's for sure," I muttered under my breath. Either Bon didn't hear it or just didn't acknowledge it because he didn't say a word.

"Why did you lie?" he asked.

"It was information about the swords that I couldn't reveal. I have a gut feeling about that guy, and it's not a good one," I admitted. "I've always been a first person impression kind of person, and I did not like what kind of energy that guy was giving off." I felt Ryuji nod from above me.

"Trust your instinct," he said, patting my back a little. "(Y/N)," he murmured.

"Hmm?" I hummed, looking up at him. He was staring at the ceiling, looking a little unsure. "You would tell me if there was something going on right? You would talk to me about it?" I froze for a moment but recovered quickly.

"Of course," I said, kissing him on the chin. We laid there for a few minutes, my stomach churning with guilt for lying straight to my boyfriend's face. I felt awful already, but I couldn't say anything. I couldn't drag him into this. It wasn't his battle to fight. I could risk losing him. I didn't know what 'sacrifices' meant, but I wasn't willing to loose anyone close to me.

My phone suddenly buzzed, startling me. I used my arms to prop myself up and checked my phone, finding a text from Shura.


Meet me in town at the cafe as soon as possible. We have a few things to discuss. Just tell whoever you're with that I needed to go over a few things about getting back in shape with you. It should be easy enough for you to get away with.

I frowned at the text, but I knew it was important. She wouldn't drag me away from rest, and she most certainly wouldn't ask me to lie if it wasn't important. "Hey, Ryuji?" He hummed in response, letting me know he was listening. "I have to go meet with Shura. It's something about one on one training to get me back in shape," I told him. Another lie. It already felt awful, like a lead ball rolling around in my stomach.

He sighed, looking a little disappointed. "Okay, be careful, and don't push yourself to hard," he instructed.

"I won't," I promised, getting off of him. I pressed a quick kiss to his lips in farewell. "Love you, see you later," I said before walking out of the room, wondering what Shura could have in store for me.

The Boy with the Two Toned Hair (Bon X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя