Chapter Twenty Two - Infinitesimal

Start from the beginning

Eventually, a sigh escaped Saki as she decided she could attempt to barter with this, if the atmosphere remained the same after she divulged some pieces. She felt more inclined to do so without Obi around to ruffle her feathers and tug at her discomforts like a bored raven.

'I guess I don't mind terribly much.' Saki eventually answered. 'What do you want to know?'

She didn't fail to notice the sudden edge of surprise that flashed across the second prince's face in response to her words, nor did she miss the smallest chuckle that escaped the man named Mitsuhide, who had shifted over to sit down on the couch next to the other retainer.

'I didn't expect you to agree so easily...'

'Do you want information, or not?' Saki quipped.

'Yes, I do.' Zen quickly answered, and thankfully he appeared to drop his earlier surprise, given the obvious fact that Saki's compliance would only go so far. Either that, or the small shake of Mitsuhide's head was a taken suggestion to drop it.

'So?' She pressed.

'So, could you please begin by explaining where exactly the child was found?' Zen began, motioning for Saki to take the seat that sat before his desk though Saki complied no further than standing before it instead, so she could look at the map the second prince had turned to. It was interesting to note that he had voluntarily turned the map towards her, as if it would help her read better. 'Or at least the closest you can.'

Saki was silent at first, inwardly sighing as she gazed down at the map, tracing her finger along the route she recalled to have taken a the time.

'The child was found in a cabin in the middle of the contamination, at least one league in from Arpenia village.' Saki proceeded to explain as she pointed a gloved digit towards the approximate location that Lirae's cabin stood in the countryside. 'In regards to the location, she was abandoned by her parent inside for the better part of two weeks. The residence had been gutted and every belonging of monetary value had been taken. I expect it was an act of greed, not fear.'

Saki didn't miss the way the prince's gaze narrowed at that piece of unpleasant information.

'Further to that, the contamination had reached within view of the villages of Reedstand, Fanacas and Moss Rock, approximately a few hundred yards at the most. I expect, judging by the rate of expansion over one night, that it will come close to breaching Laxdo in three weeks, if the winter doesn't slow it down, at least.'

'It travels that fast?' Mitsuhide was the one to ask this time as he approached to look over the map as well, shock clear in the tone of his voice.

'Over the span of one night, it appears to spread anywhere up to fifty meters, moreso in acidic-rich forest than alkaline.'

'Acidic forest?' Zen asked.

'Oak forests, most specifically.' Saki quickly answered. 'Whatever this disease is, it at least seems to struggle with Pine forests, though I suspect that may be from the salt in the soil over the trees themselves. I haven't verified this however, as I had the child with me at the time.'

The two men seemed to stare at Saki for a brief moment.

'I think I'm starting to understand exactly why Garak is so adamant that we collaborate with you.' The prince remarked as he looked back down at the map across the table, and began to mark down the estimated line of contamination Saki had spoken of. 'What about the forest creatures? Will they pose much of a problem if an investigation group was sent out to the diseased forests?'

'Honestly, it depends on how quickly the contamination has spread. From the state of the creatures I have seen so far, I expect further into the contamination zone, very little lives, and if so, they are too weak to pose a threat. Most I happened to find were either dead, or too weak to pick themselves up to chase any prey.' Saki answered, straightening up as she crossed her arms over her chest.

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