February 2019 - Strathpine Island

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To: Adult Fiction Readers <ADR@wattpad.com>

From: Meixia <AdultFicAmb@wattpad.com>

Dear Adult Fiction Readers,

Looking for your next holiday escape? Welcome to Strathpine Island, a sort of fictional land off the coast of Australia whipped into existence by our featured Book of the Month author alycecaswell

Before jumping into this modern epistolary tale, please take note of the following:

1. Chocolate lovers beware! A bite of your favorite delectable treat might cost an arm.

2. Losing an arm or any other part of your body is not an option! There are no doctors here. No police, either.

3. In case of emergencies, you can email the governor and copy the whole town. After all, your business is everyone else's business.

4. IMPORTANT: Posting criticisms of the governor online is prohibited. Disobeying might result in having everyone's WiFi access cut off.

5. EVEN MORE IMPORTANT: Change is coming. Prepare yourself!

Now that you've been forewarned, go ahead and immerse yourself into this fascinating world. Start by following the trail of emails exchanged by Strathpine Island's governor and his citizens and end with a laugh or two.

Just like us, you're bound to enjoy this tale, too.

Yours truly,

Your Adult Fiction Ambassador Team

P.S. You definitely must check out our interview with Alyce. She's a fountain full of insight into the self-publishing world. 

P.P.S. If you want to be featured as our Book of the Month, don't forget to tag your works with #AdultFiction or #GrownUpReads.

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