chapter 11: fuckery

Start from the beginning


2 weeks later


blood work has been done and the results are back they're is 3 kids sitting in front of me Tywon Rielly 25, Price O'Neill 24, Kaprice Downs 26. how I found them ? don't trip homie!

me: Kaprice since your the oldest I'm a read yours first

she nods her head. I read over it

me: Chresanto August is indeed your father

she started crying and I hugged her, I know it sucks to never have had your father in your life and your mother die giving birth that's the worst thing ever.

me: Ok Tywon your second oldest ...... he's your father to

lord Chres got some damn work to do! Kaprice and Tywon hugged each other as I read over Price's results and they threw me off saying 70% possibility like what the hell does that mean? I think these are someone elses results.

me: Price I'm going to have yours re done cause this doesn't make no kind of sense *answers phone * tell me you got this shit mixed up Britt

I walked out into the hall

Britt: I got Prices mixed up with someone else's Chres is his father

me: oh thank god I did not wanna break that boys heart

Britt: my bad I gotta go.

I hung up going back in the dance studio office.

me: Price he is your father some things in the lab got mixed up.

Tywon: so where is he?

me he's on his way

Price: so what made you find us?

me: your dad used to be the definition of male hoe before we got together, I've always had a feeling he had kids he didn't know about, he had one that was our sons bestfriend always around didn't know he was his son.

Tywon: how many kids y'all got?

me: 8 I only birthed 5 but they're technically all my kids since they call me mom, just like you 3 even I didn't birth you, you can call me mom and im a love you just like I love my kids y'all are no diffrent and I'm not gonna treat you like you are.

Kaprice: is that him?

me: yes

I get up hugging Chres and he pecked my lips wrapping his arm around me.

me: babe guess what?

Chres: you ain't even gotta say it I can tell they're mines

me: how?

Chres: the lips, curly hair, ears, nose, and the light brown eyes

me: well this is Tywon Rielly

Chres: Tywon who's your mom?

Tywon: Armani

Chres: I don't even remember your mom

Tywon: she said you wouldn't cause she didn't give you a real name

Chres: oh yea she told me her name was Blu I think

me: anyways Price O'Neill

Chres: your mom is Monei? (money)

Price: I guess, I don't know her she put me up for adoption

Chres: you wanna find her?

Price: that would be nice

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