"But do you know you didn't just ruin yourself but you ruined me too. You ruined me and my love for Serilda. Everything happened because of you and that bitch. You changed my life you took away my everything and made me hate her. You were the fucking one who told me what had happened, one who filled my mind with nothing but hatred for her. Do you have any idea what you had done? Do you?" I lashed out at him with the anger that has been building inside of me for too long.

"I was her not just her friend but her everything and you took away that. Pushed me away from her because of those damn lies," I screamed at him as he sat on his knees with his hands pulling his hair. He was hurting and my soul wanted to see more of it. I needed more of the pain for him.

"Do you even have an idea how painful was it to see her like that night? Can you imagine the pain I had seen her writhing in? I didn't even know the truth then but I was sorry for her, even hurt and in pain on the sight in front of me. She couldn't even form words looking at me. There was nothing but pleading in her eyes. All she wanted was someone to help her but there was no one because you made sure she didn't have anyone. I was rooted to my feet as I looked at her with desperation, pain, sadness, loss, and blood in the room," Picking up the sheets of the bed I held them.

"The sheets were bloody with her hands that clutched them as she doubled in pain. There was no one to hear her pain to respond to her pleas. I had been the one to be here for her and even then, I couldn't help her. I couldn't help her in any way than being there for her. She had clung to me like I was her life support as I held her and took her to the hospital. She sobbed as she doubled in pain and there was nothing I could do to help her. Nothing I could do to help stop those tears. Nothing could have been done to save that little life and her insanity as you left her here to die all because of your hatred for an innocent woman, a woman who had no part in ruining on anyone ever in the world but only herself. You were the one who had ruined her. The one who had killed her from the inside. You are to be blamed for the death of your own child, Erik. It's all on fucking you. We might have had the blood on her hands but it was there because of you and Serena. You both killed Serilda's child which was sadly yours too but you both were the reason why she had suffered. It's all on you fucking hands," my words were sharp enough to make him scream out of pain but it wasn't enough for me. I was losing my humanity in the anger that I had bottled up for years.

"Please stop," he begged me he cried out in pain that hit him. "Stop, please,"

"You're pleading for me to stop and you really think I would. You deserve this, Erik. I think you should suffer the same way she had. Beg me all you want but I won't stop or help you just like there was no one for her." All I wanted was a pain for her.

"Oh, where I was? Yeah, we were talking about how you are to be blamed for all of this and why shouldn't you be? Serilda would have never had to suffer that way if you hadn't raped her!" the words left my mouth with nothing but anger and distaste.

"I sympathized with her as I took her to the hospital. I pitied her each and every second as I sat there and heard the doctor tell me that she had lost her child. It was just the feeling of sadness and pity that had settled inside of me for her. I didn't have in me to even hate her. When I had looked at her as she laid in that hospital bed looking up that ceiling hours after she had rested all I saw was blankness. She was a ghost of her own self. There was nothing I could find in her eyes. No pain, no pleading. There was nothing. She was just empty from the inside out. She looked nothing like a person living. In a span of three hours she could look nothing like the person I had seen. She was as good as dead. I tried to talk to her but nothing, not a response. All my questions fell on deaf ears until I said your name and raised my phone to call you. I spent two hours in that room beside her trying to get a response but your name was enough to bring out the pain and everything with a force. I hated you, I hated her at that moment. It felt like I just didn't matter and I had wanted to leave because I couldn't compete with you and it hurt. It hurt so bad that I couldn't look at Serilda without getting hurt. There was nothing left for me and I had wanted to leave. Not wait for another second and leave her there in her own misery as she silently heaved out in pain but I waited. Her soul called for me to stay and I sat there with tears in my own eyes as I saw the agony, she burned in with tears providing her no relief," Second by second I pierced a knife in his heart with my words. I wasn't this cruel, never had been but this misery and anger that I lived with had made me feel like that. It made me kill myself from the inside, made me hate myself, punish myself and wait for the death.

"I was the one who brought her home. I was the one who had carried her up to her room only to see her break down once again at the sight of the blood. She had broken and tired herself out of crying as I changed the sheets and asked Marissa to clean the floor. It was me and her who had felt the pain at that moment it wasn't you. There was no one but me and her, we had mourned the loss of a child, a child which was yours, a child you never even fucking knew about! How does that fucking feel?" my words loud enough to be echo in the room. His hands went to his hand to stop from hearing, he pleaded for me to stop this.

"Please, please! No more! I can't, I just can't," he cried out. Walking towards him I bend down to look at his eyes.

"Look at me!" I yelled at his face. "I said fucking look at me!" I forced him to look me in the eyes so I could look in those eyes filled with so much pain and misery that I could find some happiness inside of me. I was acting like a sadist but for Serilda I could be anyone from a monster to a God. Pushing his hands away from his ears I held his face in my hands and looked in his eyes.

"This pain is nothing compared to what I saw in her eyes, Erik. It's not even the smallest bit of what I saw in her eyes," I told him as I pushed him away making him fall on his back.

"I had thought that the pain I had seen was worst of all, Erik. I had thought oh god there can't be any more misery in her life. I was in this fucking illusion that she was fine. She was happy in her fucking world even when you were cheating on her but everything was a lie. A lie that when came to light not on destroyed it took every breath of mine away and it wasn't in a good fucking way. You weren't just having an affair, you were having an emotional dirty fucking affair with Serena it was painful for Serilda. A day and night filled with nothing but pain and misery. You didn't talk to her, cared for her, you isolated her in this big home with nothing but unhappiness. She just wanted your time, just a fucking human touch and you stole it all away from her. The punishment you gave her was the cruelest thing that could be anyone do you know. Do you have any idea about how does a woman feel when she has her choice and innocence ripped away from her? Could you think of the pain she had felt when you had raped Serilda by calling her Serena again and again? I want you to think not of the physical pain but the emotional pain she went through. Think about the scar you left in her mind, the scar left over her soul, and pain and scar she would carry with her for the rest of her life," The anger inside of me rose and before I could control the anger. My hand reached for the Glock tucked in my back. Raising it up to his head I watched the fear appear in his eyes. The fear that bought nothing in but a different kind of content in my eyes.


So here it is!!

Aaron is killing ERIK!!

And yeah I would continue more. I have been working my ass of since morning.

Have my fingers crossed!!

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