Chapter 18: The Makeover And Make Up

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Chapter 18
I walked off the plane and took in the sight of the airport.
I remember there was a Starbucks in here somewhere so after I get my bag I'll go there.
I was waiting at the baggage claim when a felt an arm wrap around my waist.
I flipped around and Nash stood there with a smile bigger than I've ever seen on him before.
"Hi Kay!" he said.
"Hi." I said giving a little smile.
This seemed to deflate his mood a little and I felt bad.
"So! After we get my bag do you want to go to Starbucks?" I asked.
To this he perked back up.
"Sure! My treat!" he said.
I instantly started shaking my head no but if you know Nash then you'll also know that once he's got his mind set, you need a miracle worker to change it.
"Oh here comes your bag." He said reaching around me to grab it.
Then we walked down to Starbucks and after a very frustrating debate he ended up paying still.
We sat and talked about random things at Starbucks until we decided to go back to the house.
We got into his car and I smiled at the smell. It smelt like his cologne. The one that I loved.
"So back to the house?" he said.
"Yep! Sounds good!" I replied
He smiled and started the car.
We drove and passed all my favorite places here. The little cafe I love, and all my favorite clothes stores.
We pulled into the parking lot and parked concealed by the trees.
Then we got out and walked to the house
Nothing has changed about it. It's still the same yellow color and still has the porch and railing all the way around it. But I did notice a light blue rocking chair just outside the door.
We climbed the latter and I gasped when I saw the inside.
There were lights hanging from the ceiling and there was a trampoline bed like the one you see on Instagram all the time in one corner.
There was a new flat screen and next to it was a microwave, sink, oven, and fridge.
There were blue and pink bean bag chairs in front of the TV and I jumped in one and it was SO comfortable.
Along another wall were just shelves up and down the wall were books. I jumped off the beanbag and inspected the books. They were all my favorite books along with some I have been wanting to read.
The bathroom was finished with a shower, sink, and toilet and I stood astounded at the sight that lied before me.
"Do you like it?" Nash asked from behind me.
I turned around with that stupid excited smile plastered on my face.
"I-I don't know what to say! I love it!" I said as he visually relaxed and I continued looking around.
This was amazing!
"I hope you would like it so it would be a little harder to leave next time I screw up." He said.
I turned to look at him. He was starring down at the ground making invisible circles on the ground with the toe of his shoe.
I smiled and walked up to him wrapping my arm around his torso.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
He was taken back for a few seconds but then wrapped his arms around me.
"Every time something is going smoothly for you. I find a way to ruin it." He said resting his chin on the top of my head.
"Nash. Nothing has ever run smoothly. Only when I'm with you things feel like there running smoothly." I said.
"But.... the girl. In the hallway at school. I was such a jerk." He said.
"Yes I agree but do you know what really convinced me to come back?" I asked him. He shifted so he could look down at me.
"There was a girl standing at her locker near where Cam was standing when I came around the corner. She ran after me and said 'if there's anything you want to talk about give me a call' and she handed me her number. After a while we became good friends each calling one another. Until the night before you called me. She said she heard your entire conversation and how you were clearly uncomfortable doing it." I said.
I felt Nash tense up but then I let go and he gave me a questioning look.
"Then why didn't you come back sooner?" he asked me.
"Because I didn't know until she told me the night you called me. If I knew sooner I would've come back." I said.
He nodded and just like he always does, with what seemed like two steps he had crossed the entire house to where I was standing and wrapped his arms around me and I did the same.
Things will probably not be the same. But at least for now. Everything's good.

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