Chapter 14: Coffee Shop Part 1

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Chapter 14
I stood there stunned for a minute or two before it all reprocessed.
I took one of the blankets and pulled it over her and up to her shoulder.
I sat outside on the railing of the porch that lined the tree house and thought about all this.
My first question was how? How did she get here?
Then I realized it didn't matter. She was here and safe. And somewhere I can protect her.
I took a deep breath and walked back into the tree house.
I noticed a piece of paper sticking out of a back pack that was laying beside Kay. I took it out and read it.
It was a description and a picture of her parents wedding. She had written it down at one point and kept it.
There was a picture of what looked like a garden with lanterns everywhere There was a band on a stage in the far left corner and in the middle of all the tables there was a dance floor with a tall, strong, sharp looking man and he was dancing with a beautiful woman. In a long white gown with a flowing veil and a crown of white roses. There was a name above the band and it said "Risk It All, The Vamps"
I heard Kay stir behind me and quickly put the paper back.
I stood up and walked to the couch where she was sleeping.
Her clear blue eyes fluttered open and I don't think I've been more happy to see something blue.
"Nash?" she asked me quietly.
"Right here princess." I said looking down at her.
She smiled and hugged me tight.
"I missed you. I thought I'd never make it out of there!" she said as she started to cry.
What did he do to her? He's gonna get it!
"Shhh Kay it's alright! I'm right here. No one will take you from me again. I swear." I said as she cried into my shoulder.
When it seemed as though she calmed down I reluctantly pulled away to dry a tear falling down her face.
We sat there silently as I looked into her blue orbs wishing I could tell her that I liked her.
"Nash?" a voice asked from outside.
I looked at her confused but she looked just as confused as me.
I walked to the railing outside and saw Cameron standing there at the bottom of the tree.
Really?! Why now?! Why him?!
"Cam! How did you get here?" I asked
"I followed your footprints. It rained last night so you could see them in the mud." He said back.
I mentally slapped myself.
"Ok? Why did you follow me?" I asked getting annoyed.
"Well I was thinking we could talk about that girl. The one I told you I liked. Do you think I could come up there?" he asked.
My hands got really sweaty.
"Umm you know what, I'll come down and we can go to the coffee shop down the street and talk there." I said.
"Ok sounds good. Meet you there." He said walking away.
"So who's the girl?" Kay asked behind me.
"Do you really want to know?" I laughed.
She nodded as I grabbed my coat and back pack.
"You." I said back. She had a look of disbelief on her face before she started laughing.
Hearing her laugh again made me smile more than it should have.
"It's true. And trust me I'm not ok with it!" I said walking out.
"Why not?" she challenged.
"Because nobody's stealing my girl." I said before I stopped myself.
My face went pale and I quickly went down the ladder and took off.
I can't believe I said that! I'm an idiot!
"Because nobody's stealing my girl" he said.
I looked up at him in surprise as his face went pale realizing what he said. He quickly descended the ladder and ran towards the shop.
Did he really just say I was his girl? Why do I feel so giddy inside?
I smiled at the ground for a while thinking about it. I'm his girl!
Then I cleaned up and decided to pay him a visit at the coffee shop.
I walked in and instantly spotted them in the far table.
I walked up and ordered a bagel and smoothie.
I sat and waited for my order and noticed someone standing in front of me.
This creep looked down at me with a creepy smile.
"Hey love. You hear alone? You look just fine in those shorts." She said putting his hand over mine.
I jerked away and scooted my chair back.
"I'm fine thank you and do you mind keeping your eyes to yourself?" I asked a little bit more than annoyed.
"Come with me." He said demandingly as he grabbed my wrist and started dragging me towards the door.
No matter how hard I struggled his tight calloused hands had a good grip on my throbbing wrist.
"Let me go!" I yelled as half the shop looked over at us.
"Look here missy. You gonna come with me if you want to stay alive." He hissed in my ear.
I gulped and walked with him as he smiled and dragged me on until a voice stopped him.
"Let. Her. Go." It said slowly. Something about the tone of the voice was threatening and I knew who it was.
We turned around to see Nash standing there fists clenched, and eyes threatening.
I let out a sigh of relief as he looked at me and his expression softened.
"Here take her. She isn't even that pretty." He said throwing me on the floor.
Not that pretty? I know it shouldn't have hurt but it did. Especially since I will never feel good enough for anyone.
Nash however spoke forcefully and strong.
"If you ever lay a hand on her or say anything like that again I will personally fight you and call the cops." He said. "She is beautiful and you need to shut up before you have all those teeth laying in your hand."
He just snarled and turned to walk out of the shop.
Nash rushed to my side on the floor where tears were already starting to swell up in my eyes.
"Kay! Are you alright? Don't listen to him. He's just a jerk who wanted you to feel bad." He said rubbing circles in my back.
"I said I wouldn't let anybody take you again and I meant it." He said sternly.
I looked at him and pulled off my best smile and got up.
He instantly put an arm around me and lead me to the table he was sitting at.
Cameron just stared at me. Weirdo.
"Nash are you guys like a thing?" he asked.
"Yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but you honestly wouldn't let me get a full sentence in." Nash said.
I knew better than to look at him because that would be obvious that he made it up so I just gave a little smile and nodded.
I wonder if he's being serious right now?

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