Chapter 5: Study Date And Opening Up

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Chapter 5
The rest of the day went be pretty fast.
It mostly included me avoiding Nash at all costs.
I wasn't ready to face him. I didn't want him to think me weak.
I don't need anyone's opinion or pity on me or my life.
I didn't realize the noise outside my door until Lisa came bursting through the door.
I looked at her surprised and excited face and thought 'oh great now what humiliation fest was I singed up for?'
"There's a b-boy on the phone and he wants y-you." she stuttered.
We both just stood there puzzled and surprised.
This was exceedingly rare. I'm miss nobody. Everyone either hates me for some unknown reason or pretends I don't exist. Lisa is the only one who knows about my school life so she's just as surprised as I am.
I walked downstairs and looked hesitantly at the phone which was lying upright ready to be picked up and talked into.
"H-hello?" was all I could say.
"Flash? Hey don't be so nervous it's just me." I relaxed at his voice and knew who it was.
"Listen so I was thinking you could meet me at the Bat-layer tonight? We need to work on our project." He said.
Luckily for him I caught on.
Nobody would let us go out on a school night just so we could talk. Besides his parents and Lisa are all probably listening.
"Oh ok yeah I'll meet you there. Is 7:00 okay?" I asked totally going along with it.
"Sounds good see you later Flash." He said and hung up.
I walked into the kitchen to find an eager looking Lisa and her husband Mark who was making dinner. Mark was like my dad. We were really close and he was nice.
"So...?" Lisa asked trying to sound casual.
"It was a boy in my ELA class. We have a project due and were partners." I said avoiding eye contact.
Mark flipped around.
"A boy? Oh no! I really don't want to scare anyone today Kay. Who is he?" Mark asked.
I laughed. Yep defiantly father material.
"His name is Nash. He's a very nice kid and I don't really talk to him other than our project."
I was really laying it on thick with this wasn't I?
"Ok but be back by 11:00" Mark said sternly.
"Oh yeah defiantly! I can't be awake that long. And working on ELA doesn't help." I said.
It was 6:58 and Nash wasn't here so I assumed he would be late.
But the minute I thought it I heard a knock at the door.
I opened it and standing there was Nash in jeans and a red shirt with an unzipped jacket.
I smiled and he smiled back.
"Lisa, Nash is here. I'll be back" I yelled into the house.
"Ok sweetie just be back soon." She replied and with that we were off.
We climbed into his car which was a very impressive hunk of metal I will have you know.
We got to the edge of the woods and Nash concealed the car in the trees.
We got up to the tree house and climbed in.
We sat on the floor there in silence. Nobody had talked since he picked me up.
"So why did you really call me? I know we don't have an ELA project due. If we did it would already be done." I half joked.
He chuckled at my straight forward request of information and looked at me as if trying to figure something out.
"Do people normally treat you like that?" He asked as I looked away.
I knew he meant what had happened with Luke earlier and I was used to it so it didn't really bother me.
"Well not really." I said.
Nash wasn't convinced and I knew he could see straight through me.
"Kay. I know your not telling the truth. Do they really?" he asked.
He sounded so concerned and angry. But not in a scary way. In a caring way.
"Yes." I quietly mumbled.
He shot up and started pacing.
"I knew it I knew those jerks picked on you and I didn't do anything to stop them! Oh Kay I'm really sorry I didn't realize sooner. You should never be teased. Why did I let this happen?" he said sitting on the window sill with his head in his hands.
"Woah Nash it's ok. You didn't know I even existed before this year and why would you care anyways. You were one of the populars and I didn't expect you to do anything about it. But you did! Today! You stopped him from doing what usually ha-" I stopped right there.
Nash turned abruptly and crossed the tree house in what seemed like three swift steps so he was closer to me now.
"I stopped him from doing what?" he asked again.
I sighed defeated. There was no point in trying to lie to him. He'll find out one way or another.
"You stopped him from doing what he usually does. You know. Beating me up and shoving me into the janitors closet." I said.
Nash looked furious now. Oh great now what have I done.
"He what?" he said in a low tone
"Exactly what I said Nash. Weren't you listening?" I asked.
"Kay why didn't you tell me? I could've stopped him sooner. Nobody, especially people like you, should be treated that way." he said.
I know it was meant to be nice but I didn't like the way he said people like you.
"What do you mean 'people like me'? You didn't even care about me before. Why all the sudden all this attention and the 'anyone who touches her dies' act. Nash before that day at the store you didn't even know I existed." My voice was raising after he said that.
"Kay you know I didn't mean it like that. It's just that I regret not knowing you before and now that I do know you I want to keep you as safe as possible." He said turning to face me.
"Why?" was all I could say.
"Because.......... Because...... I don't know but just do me a favor and tell me the next time someone bugs you ok? Please?" he asked.
While he was saying that he walked closer to me and his closeness made me nervous so of course I agreed.
He brought me home and I just went to bed.
I stayed up for hours trying to figure out why he would even care so much about me all of the sudden.
A bazillion and one possibilities ran through my head.
I fell asleep thinking of the boy who somehow managed to change my life in two days.

Life Goes On (Nash Grier Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora