Chapter 6: Standing In My Way

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Chapter 6
Our "study date" went well! I think.
It's so hard to tell with Kay. One minute you think you see her, the real her, not the one you normally see. Then just as fast as it came it was gone.
I have to admit. I like Kay. But there are a few things standing in my way.
1) my 'girlfriend'
2) my brother. He'll kill me if he found out I had been cheating Kay.
3) reputation.
I know I said that meant nothing but I'm still a little nervous about stepping down that much.
All this was going through my head when I pulled into the driveway and killed the engine.
Then it hit me.
I never did what I told Kay to watch at the end of that school day! I should do it right in front if her! Then I'll run over and hug her. Yes that's what I'll do! I just hope she's surprised!
Sorry about the short chapter. Getting writers block hard here.
If you have any ideas then please DM me on Instagram
My user name is tomczak55 and even though I'm a private account I'll still look at your DM's.
Please help me!
Also I will give full credit to all the ideas I used so don't feel like your not going to get anything out of it.
If you don't have any ideas and you think this is boring and going nowhere then just say so! I love when people are honest!
I don't care how harsh you think your opinion on my story is. Don't sugarcoat anything because your not doing anybody a favor.
Just tell me what you think.
Either DM me a suggestion or comment 'Delete It' and I'll go from there!

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