Chapter 13: Alive and Safe

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Chapter 13
Fifteen times.
I've called Kay fifteen times today and she hasn't answered.
This is the part where I freak out! What if something happened to her?
What if Mike took her phone away and I couldn't call her?
I was pacing the boys bathroom in school on the verge of a panic attack when my phone started ringing.
Kay's caller ID picture showed up and I smiled. It was a picture of her and me smiling at the camera.
Suddenly I snapped back into reality and realized Kay was calling me!
"H-hello?" I said awkwardly.
"Batman? Hey don't be so nervous it's just me." She said into the phone.
I laughed lightly remembering the night I called her about our 'project'
"So what's up? I called you like fifteen times!" I said.
"Sorry I slept in." She replied.
This got me curious. She is supposed to be at school?
"I thought you were at school?" I asked her.
"Nah. Just chilling in my favorite place on earth! Oh I have to go! Come by after school k?" and with that she hung up.
Her favorite place in the world would be the Bat cave. But that's impossible! She's with her uncle!
Isn't she?
I'll have to take a peek in the Bat cave just to make sure! I wouldn't miss a chance to see her!
The last bell rang and I shot up and ran.
I have been anxious all day trying to figure out how that girl possibly could've gotten to the Bat cave.
I was running through the parking lot when Cameron, my best friend, called me.
"Have you seen the quiet girl we stood up for that one day? She hasn't been in school." He said.
Why does he know this? Why does he care?
"Not to be rude or anything but, why do you want to know?" I asked in the nicest way I possibly could.
"Oh I dunno. She was kinda cute! When she comes back do you think you could introduce me to her?" he said.
I stood there dumbfounded for a moment.
No way! He did not just say he likes Kay did he?
"W-what?" I said weakly.
"Look, she may be just another nobody to you, but she's nice and cute and maybe if we payed a little more attention to her we'd like her." He said.
"Look dude. All I'm going to say is I know she has a boyfriend." I said to him.
I'm trying to let him down easily. That and not smash his face for even thinking Kay is cute. I'm the only one allowed to think that. And she doesn't have a boyfriend yet but it's going to be me hopefully! No. Cam can't get her first.
"I'll ask her to forget about him and be with me. I think she's really nice." He said.
I had to blink a few times and count to ten to keep myself from getting into a fight with him.
"You do that." I said
I turned and started running as fast as I could.
"See you later!" I called over my shoulder.
After I was safe in the woods everything hit me. He can't like Kay! No! I like Kay! I'm trying to get her back and I'm not letting her go after I do!
I kept walking the path I knew all to well until I came to the tree Kay and I had met so many times before.
I stared up at the tree house scared and anxious at the same time.
I wanted to see if she was up there more than anything, but I was scared. What if she wasn't?
I shook my head and started climbing the ladder. One knock in the tree after another. Just keep climbing.
I finally reached the top and I inhaled sharply.
There, as in right in front of me, was the angel herself sleeping soundly. Safely.
Kay was here. An she was alive and safe!

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