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Raiylynn's P.O.V

(Two years later)

I still love the boys, but I lost all contact from them. They have an album out and They are going on there on own U.S tour next year! They took a turn for the better, beacuse I wasn't there.

They were better off without me! I just wonder if Ashton thinks about me, or regrets anything. I don't, it helped the band get better. I'm slowly drifting away from them. I understand they moved on, and even if they didn't want to, they still did and I'm glad. They don't need one girl holding back the whole band. It's ridiculous.

I'm out of highschool, and into my first year of college. I'm driving to campus when I see One Direction's tour bus at a rest stop (Little Miss Nerdy is going to kill me but whatever) It was barley swamped, but it would be soon.

I quickly pull in and hop out rushing over to the bus making sure girls wern't too close and knocked. "Louis It's Rai!!!" I said and the door opened revealing Ashton."Um, hi..." he says awkwardly. I pull him in for a hug. "I missed you" He shuts the door and pulls away from me.

"I was a complete jerk to you and you're acting like nothing ever happened" he says. "Ashton, that was two years ago, drop it and let's leave it be." I tell him. "Ashton, who knocked. The fans don't do that, was it-Rai?!?" Luke says stopping in his tracks "LUKE! I missed you so much!" I tell him, hugging him.

"Have you and Ashton made up?" Micheal asks after I see them all, including One Direction. "We never hated each other. Guys he's not the reason I went home. I was holding all of you back from your passion" I tell them. They all object.

"I swear to unicorns! If you tell me again that I wasn't holding you back, I'll bite your fingers off. You guys have an album coming out, you're going on your own tour. No offense, but you weren't even that close to that when I was around you." I tell them.

They all shut up. We decide to get something to eat. "How about...The little diner downtown? It won't be packed and it has perfect food." Niall says. Mikey grabs his phone. I get a notification along with all of the other boys. His tweet reads, Going to grab something to eat, with these weirdos and he mentions all of us.

When we get to the diner we had to push a couple of tables together considering there's 10 of us. We all order our meals and start to small talk. Ashton was twirling his spaghetti, when I saw the cuts. Fresh ones. I will have to talk to him later.

The boys ask me to stay at the hotel in which I reply to that with "Nonsense come stay at my place, I have plenty of room, kinda a couple of you might need to sleep on the couch, or floor. I have 6 rooms total but one of them is mine and the other two is taken by my roommates. SO... choose who is sleep where or we'll draw names from Calum's beanie.

After a bit of argument we came up with

Guest room 1: Luke

Guest room 2: Mikey

Guest room 3: Louis

Couch 1: Calum

Couch 2: Ashton

Relaxing chair: Niall

Harry, Zayn and Liam would stay on the floor.

It comes close to nine and we decide that we should probably go to my place. When we get there we watch a movie. Settling with a scary movie I curl up next to Louis.

Halfway through the movie Echo and Athena, my roommates comes home. "RAIYLYNN WEREEEE HOMMME!" Echo walks in and notices my group of boys surrounding me. "GUYSSS! I'VE MISSED YOU!" Echo yelps throwing her hands out wide as all of the boys give her a hug.

Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael sit awkwardly. "Athena come here!" I yell for her and she comes in the room giving each of the boys a hug. "Athena, Echo, this is Calum, Luke, Michael and Ashton or 5 Seconds of Summer. Guys, this is Athena and Echo. My roommates" I introduce them. Echo gives them hugs then Athena does. I see Ashton's scars again.

"I'm going to make more popcorn, Ashton, can you come reach it for me?" I ask. We walk into the kitchen. I grab his wrist. "WHAT IS THIS?" I yell, tears brimming my eyes. "It's none of your business Raiylynn. It stopped being your business when you left the tour!" He yells back. Good this the others are all the way across the house.

"ASHTON! I care, when does this stop?! When you finally run out of blood? When you make the mistakes of cutting too much and you die?" I yell back. "Exactly! It ends when I die. Stop butting in! I don't need advice from you! You started this back up again. Not even saying goodbye when you left. I don't care if you we're trying to save pain, when in reality, you made it worse. Raiylynn your not any help. Stay out of it!" He yells going out to the kitchen and I run to my bedroom. I hate him.

HEELLOOO Arrow here!

She hates him






So yes this was triggering and yes, I'm sorry! By now you should know that about this book. If you read this comment 'thenametwins' We want to know who reads the Authors Notes. We love you and AGAIN if you cut, talk to us. "Imagine if everytime you cut, you're cutting someone you love, would you still do it? Even if it meant cutting someone who you love" -Calum Hood.

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