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Fixed it, this isn't  exactly what happened the first time but it's  the best I can do~~ Arrow

Ashton's P.O.V

     I walk into the local bar. I just need to drink all of my pain away, nothing to worry about. Raiylynn  my mind taunts. I shrug off the thought and walk to the bar. "Can I  help you?" The bartender asks. I order my drink and down it quickly. Ordering another, as I walk off.

   I walk around the dance floor not wanting to get caught up in the sweat and grime of the gross bodies pressing so close together, it's unbelievable. A blonde come up to me and asks to dance. I acxept her offer as she drags me onto the dance floor. Raiylynn. My mind taunts, once again I shrug it off.

      We danced for awhile and I turned her down when she wanted to go somewhere else. I slowly walk out of the bar. Dizzy from the alcohol. My head spins as i try to call for Luke. I finally get it and I am answered with a hello from Raiylynn. "Why are you on Luke's phone?" I question, my words mashing together.

     "Look at who you're calling, and that doesn't matter. Are you drunk? You know what, I know that answer. I'm  coming to get you. Where are you?" Raiylynn says,she sounds like she's been crying. Shrugging it off, I reluctantly tell her.

     Within 5 minutes, Raiylynn is here. "What were you thinking Ashton?" She looks at me. She pulls out of the parking lot and driving. "I don't know, okay? Honestly I don't know." I sigh and glance out the window. "Why would you think you're an idiot?? Why would you think you're ugly?" She questions me. "I-I" I just, couldn't get anything out.

     "Exactly, Ashton you're none of those, well except for and idiot, because you simply thought you were ugly." I chuckle. "Two years ago, Ashton Irwin, I never saw even meeting you. Let alone sitting here talking to you, driving your drunken self home. Do you realise how much you, Luke, Calum and Michael  have inspired me?" She questions me.


   "No..." I mumble unsure of what to say. "A lot." She pauses for a second. "I was bullied. A lot. Compared to my brother. To everyone I was 'The child who missed everything.' The looks, the talent, everything Ashton. No one wanted  to be my friend, and if they did I would push them away. Afraid that they're going to use me to get to Louis. I couldn't have any friends. 5 seconds of summer was my escape."

This was horrible, but it is currently 4:30 am here and honestly, I felt the need to fix this . Oh and I had a Monster Energy drink before bed.~~ Arrow






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