I've got this Friend

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Raiylynn's P.O.V

After we got situated where we were sitting criscross from each other. Ashton looked like he was going to burst into tears, "It's okay you don't have to tell me everything, take your time." I told him. Shifting my body to were it's beside him and hugged him tight.

"Well it started when I was 7, My mum and dad started getting mad at each other often. Harry and Lauren where to young understand it. But h-he started coming home drunk, a-a-and he b-b-beat my mum." Ashton said crying.(A/n we made this up) I hugged him for a few minutes and rubbed his back. "Is there more?" I asked.

He nodded while shaking, it broke my heart to see one of my insperations breaking. "W-w-when he couldn't find my mum to b-b-beat her, He t-t-took it out on me." Ashton admitted. Oh god, nobody should have to go through that. I start crying. "Ashton look at me." I tell him. His broken eyes stare into mine, "You are the srongest person I have ever met. You hear that, You are amazing and deserved a better life but thats what makes you who you are today." I tell him wiping away his tears.

Afterwards we went to bed, I went to the extra set of bunks even though one of the boys offered for me to take their bunk with them, but I declined. After what happened with Ash the boys didn't pry. I fell asleep to Luke singing "but I'm always too late, don't wanna be too late, I see you but I always hesitate" I look at Luke in the eyes and smile, he smiles back. "To have you by my side I cant wait, Beacuse never is to late." It honestly sounded amazing. I felt like he was singing to me. And so I driffted of to sleep.

Next Afternoon

"Hey Raiylynn" Calum said just now draging his butt out of bed. "Breakfast?" I asked showing him how I made the boys something to eat. His face bightens up to the pancakes, bacon and biscuts. He looked at me in the eyes "Marry me now." He stated with a huge smile on his face. I laugh,these boys are so adorable and strange.

"Time to get up boys" I said in a sing-songy voice after I walked to the bunks. They groaned in response." There's breakfast!" I screamed. They all jumped up and ran out of the room. And Mikey hit his head on the ceiling....

The boys were amazed that I could cook so all I told them was "When you have Louis Tommlison as a brother, you learn how to cook." They just chuckled at my response. "Well I'm going for a walk. Anybody wanna join?" I offered. "I will." Luke told me and he grabbed a gutair.

I walked out of the bus with Luke on tail, he walked beside me afterwards. "So were we headed to?" Luke asked me. "Hmm, maybe the near by park?" It looked so beautiful. "Sounds great!" He told me enthusiasticly. I just chuckled at how cute he was being.

After a while walking aimlessly trying to find the park he pulled out his Ipod and put one earphone in offering the other to me. I graciously took it, and popped it in my ear. The song was, I Miss You by Blink182. I love this song! He chuckled at me then I realized I probably said that outloud. My face turned beat red and I smile sheepishly at him.

He just bopped my nose and said ,"I love this song also." His smile is contagious I found myself stopping and starring into his baby blue eyes, leaning closer as the song blasts in my ear then suddenly,"Where are you and I'm so sorry, I cannot sleep cannot dream tonight." Slips out of my mouth before I can stop it. He smiles and continues " I need somebody and always, this sick strange darkness comes creeping on so haunting every time." I couldnt help but continuing the song, He has an amazing voice!

But I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Ashton, He reminded me so much of this song. I try to push him away, I'm with Luke. I see myself reminding myself a lot. We arrive to the park after a few more songs, some which I just sang or he just sang. Or neither of us sang. I went stright fo a little clearing of trees and layed down. Luke sat down beside me.

"Hey Raiylynn can I, er tell you something?" Luke asked being an awkward penguin (I played 20 questions with the boys and discovered that is Lukes favorite animal). "Sure thing, Lukey" I told him. Then I looked towards the senery around us. It's beautiful. "You are too." Luke murmured. I snapped my head at him ,"What?" I questioned. "Um nothing, What I wanted to tell you or well I'll just sing it," He sighed getting his gutair and placing it in his lap and started playing stums of a song I haven't heard before.

"Can I have a minute?

I've gotta tell you something.

I heard that someone likes you,

And it might be nothing but he's right in front of you.

He's kinda my size,

Don't look back 'cause he's looking.

I think you know him,

But you just don't know that he's right in front of you.

Baby, you've been talking to him nearly every day,

He really likes all the games that you play.

He told me to tell you to see what you'd say,

Before he jumps in and he asks for a date."

I gasp wondering if he wrote this song for me.

"'Cause I've got this friend who's crazy about you,

I've got this friend who can't be without you,

I've got this friend and I wish I could see,

How this would end if you knew it was me.

Something I have to tell you,

He plays the bass guitar.

He thinks you'd like him better

If he had a car but now he's right in front of you.

Baby, you've been talking to him nearly every day,

He really likes all the games that you play.

He told me to tell you to see what you'd say,

Before he jumps in and he asks for that date."

He sang the rest of the songs and I was in awe, Did he like me? If so why? So many questions ran through my head then I realized that I havent told Luke how I felt about the song. I glanced up at him and he was already watching me intently. My face broke into a small smile. "I loved it! Was it an original?" I asked his eyes gleaming with happiness.

I gave him a hug, nobody ever sang me a song before. "Yes it was, and I wanted to ask you out on a date?" He said like he was questioning himself. I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him into a bone crushing hug, then I pulled out of the hug a little and gave him a peck on the cheek. "I'd love to" I whispered in his ear. He pulled me into a tighter hug.

"That song, I wrote it about you." He admitted. I gasped, nobody has ever done that, ever. I grinned at him, "Time to head back to our bus, yea?" He asked me. i just nodded and he pulled me up. "So whens our date?" I asked with a giggle. "Hmm tommarow Sleep in your brothers bus tonight and I'll come around at 5. Is that okay?" He asked. "Yes it is Luke I'll see you then I giggled and took of running towards the direction of the busess, he ran after me with those long legs.

Tomorrow is gonna be great!

Then something popped in my mind.



Little Miss nerdy here! Hoped you like the chapter! Me and Arrow had to plan it out delicatly And I love it!!!! Rake Anybody?

comment which you like better

Rake or,


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