The winter dance part 2

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HI GUYS PLEASE READ THIS!!!! *public service announcement* I just want to say...again, that the story has NOT ended yet, and when its ended I'll say "okay guys that's the end!" Or at least I'll just write "the end" okayyy???? I'm getting so many comments and messages of people who think each chapter I post is the end of the story and some of them are mad as hell! I've already said it, and I'll say it again: the story is not finished yet, so calm down and enjoy, okay? :)

The car rolled to a slow stop and I ripped my eyes off Lucas and in the direction of the school gym. I could feel the music lightly moving the car from where I was, there were thousands of fairy lights strung through all of the trees that surrounded the school and around the door frame. It looked pretty, of course, I had to give it to Arden, she'd done a good job. Lucas got out of the car first and I almost followed his lead but stopped when I saw him jogging around the car to my side. I smiled at him as he pulled the door open for me then held his hand out.

I willingly took it and held tightly on. I definitely wasn't going to be letting go at any point tonight. "You've never done that before" I commented teasingly. "I'll be sure to make a habit out of it" he promised gently pulling me closer to his side, I happily obliged.

We were clearly the last to arrive. No one was paying any attention to anyone entering anymore. I sighed, relieved and followed Lucas into the gym. A few people gave us funny looks as we made our way to an empty spot on the far left where a few single people stood alone, I made a mental note to talk to at least a few of them later.

"I'm gonna be honest, I'm not sure exactly what we're supposed to do at these things" Lucas admitted in my ear when we finally stopped. I laughed and shrugged, "me either".

We stood together, watching our schoolmates jumping and gyrating around each other. The music didn't really fit with most of the dance moves that were going on, but I had no room to judge, I couldn't dance to save my life.

When I got bored, my thoughts slowly found their way back to Chris. He was going to show up at any moment what? Declare how he felt about me again? As if he thought it would make some sort of difference.
Now, more than ever, I knew that I could never reciprocate the feelings he had for me. I'd come to terms with my own feelings tonight that made that clear. I loved Lucas whole heartedly. Which reminded me...

I faced Lucas and was surprised to see he was already looking down at me with a small frown, "what?" I asked with a nervous laugh.
"What's going on?" He asked me pulling me back closer to the gym wall.
So he had noticed. A part of me had really thought I'd gotten away with my odd facial expression when he first arrived, but apparently not.

I wasn't sure what to tell him. It was going to be one of the two things that were going on, either Chris' call or that I was in love with Lucas. I knew what would be easier to say, and I also knew what was more important to me.

"Well" I breathed, "I don't know what exactly to tell you because there's so much-"
Lucas' phone buzzed, cutting me off. I waited for him to check it but he didn't take his eyes off me, "continue" he nodded.
I bit down on my lip before building up the nerve again to speak, I didn't need to though, because his phone interrupted before I even started, this time it was ringing.
"You can get that" I offered.
"Blakely, shut up. Whatever it is isn't more important than you".

"Okay" I sighed.
Now my phone buzzed.
"What the hell!" I groaned.
Lucas' phone had stopped ringing and was now buzzing repeatedly, someone was really trying to get a hold of him. "Just get it, it might be about your dad" I said folding my arms.
"How about I mute it instead" he muttered pulling the phone out of his back pocket. He glanced at the screen for only a moment before pushing the switch to silence an iPhone.

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