Something stupid

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Hey guys! Wow! Literally 2 days ago I was at 1.5k and all of a sudden I'm at 6k? What the heck??? Thanks for giving my story a chance, I read your comments and they motivated me to edit this part and get it up😊😊 I'll try upload way more often now. Thanks lovelies!!❤️

I texted my dad that mom was home and I'd be staying with her for the night. I hadn't decided where I would be staying permanently yet, but I didn't feel like leaving my mom, I'd missed her so much despite how angry she had made me. I fell asleep on the couch with my mom next to me and woke up at 4pm with her still there. She simply smiled at me and asked if I was still tired, I knew she was probably bored and wanted to eat and shower so I told her I was wide awake.

After that we both cleaned ourselves up then ordered Chinese for dinner. Considering how my day had started, it had taken a very unexpected turn, I went to sleep somewhat okay, just as my mom had said.

I knew I would have to go to school the following morning. I wasn't usually one to miss whole days at school, two days would be horrific. Luckily for me, I still had clothes left at my house, so I got dressed into a pair of black jeans (they'd grown onto me), a white 'Strokes' T-shirt and a khaki Hudson jacket that was slightly too big for me. It was getting closer and closer to winter, today was the first time in a while where I woke up cold.

My mom was already awake when I got downstairs, she was sitting in front of the island bench with a 'best mom in the world' mug that I'd gotten her when I was 8 in one hand and her phone held to her ear in the other.
She glanced at me and gave a quick smile before focusing back on her call. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of slices of toast that she had put in for me then I quickly spread a thin layer of butter over both slices.

I watched my mom carefully as I ate my toast. It seemed like a pretty important call, she had put her mug down and her hand was now in her hair, she nodded slowly then opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by a voice that was so loud, even I heard it.

After a few more moments, she finally said goodbye and hung up the phone. "What was that about?" I asked tossing the last of my toast into my mouth. "Ryan wants me to take a criminal case, and start research and development tomorrow but I already promised you're uncle Geoff I'd help out with his shop".
"So who were you arguing with?" I asked licking some left over butter off my thumb.

"Ryan, obviously. How are bosses always so unreasonable?" She sighed tapping her fingers on the bench. "So what are you gonna do?" I folded my arms. "Well...I don't really have much of a choice do I? Your uncle is going to have to find someone else" she sighed.

I chewed on my lip thoughtfully for a moment before saying, "so I'm guessing he's hiring?"
"Absolutely" She nodded, "but B, you know how he feels about you near his instruments, don't get any ideas".
"Oh that was one time!" I scoffed, "who says you can't play drums with ukuleles?"
"It goes without saying, love" she said pointedly. "Whatever" I mumbled.

"Do you want me to take you to school?" Mom asked. I frowned as I turned around to rinse my plate and knife under the sink, "when have you ever driven me to school?"
She sighed before saying, "I haven't, I just thought maybe you would want someone with you...I don't know, B, you just sounded really upset yesterday and I can't help but feel like it has to do with not only me leaving, but people at school as well".

I carefully pulled a glass from the drying rack and filled it up with water, "why would you think that?" I murmured before turning back around to face my mom. She let out a heavy breath and rested her arms on the island bench in front of her, "I know you were staying with Lucas for a while when I first left, I also know how..." she paused for a second before continuing, "unpredictable he probably can be. Guys like him love to play games, they're very unreliable and they have a way of making a lot of people feel the way you felt- or should I say feel right now".

"Mom what are you even talking about?" I tried to play off the fact that everything she said felt true. How did she just figure it out?
"I'm talking about you and Lucas. What happened sweetie?"
I bit my lip and shrugged hoping she would let it go, "it's complicated" I mumbled once I realized she wasn't going to stop staring at me.
"If you don't want to talk about it that's fine Blakely. I understand that I left so abruptly and you probably don't completely trust me yet, but just know that I'm here for you, okay?" She smiled softly and I smiled back.

I drove myself to school and refused to think about everything that went down with Lucas and Emma because I knew if I did, I would turn around and go back to bed.
The parking lot was pretty empty when I arrived, I checked the time on my dashboard to see there was still 30 minutes before classes began. I parked close to the entrance of the school to lower the risk of running into Lucas on my way in.

It was cold outside and there was a lot of time before I had to go to class so I decided to stay in my car with the heater up as high as it went. This was the best way to avoid anyone after all. I pulled my legs up to my chest and curled up with my head against the window as I waited for the Bell to ring. I didn't realize I was beginning to doze off until a sudden thud right next to my ear made me jump back to consciousness.

It took me a moment to reorient myself, but when I did I checked out the window and saw Alex grinning proudly at himself with his girlfriend Carly under his arm. I groaned then rested back into my seat with my arms covering my face. "What's up, shrimp" his voice was slightly muffled through the window, but I could've guessed that was what he said even if I heard absolutely nothing.

I rolled my window down, ready to yell at him but I froze when I saw Chris standing slightly behind Alex and Carly with his hands shoved in his pockets. "Morning, Blakely" Chris smiled.
I responded a beat too late, "uh, morning Chris" I forced a smile back.

"I told him not to do it, if that helps. I know how you feel about being scared" Chris conversed as I reluctantly got out of the car.
"Yeah well, I doubt anything would stop him or L-" I paused when I remembered how sensitive of a topic Lucas was for everyone right now.
"Lucas?" Alex finished without hesitation. Carly, who probably didn't even know what was going on but was clearly better at taking a hint, nudged Alex in the ribcage before smiling at me, "so where were you yesterday, Blakely?"

They started walking towards the school and since I was talking to them, I had no choice but to follow, "I wasn't feeling great" I explained. It wasn't a complete lie either, I really wasn't feeling great about what happened with Lucas.
"Aw no, but you're better now?" She asked.
"Let's hope" I forced a laugh.

"Mrs Dwyer was wondering where you were yesterday. You, her and Lucas were meant to have a meeting" Chris glanced at me with an unreadable expression. "I wonder what that was about" I mumbled sarcastically.
"Adren made it sound worse than it was" Chris said pushing the schools double doors open, "I tried to explain what actually happened, without any bias, if that helps".

"I don't think anything's gonna help, Lucas and I are in big trouble" I sighed. I was glad that Chris was talking to me, and in a normal way as well. He didn't seem as mad at me as he had on Saturday, but that didn't change the fact that I really messed up by leaving with Lucas.

"Speak of the devil" Alex said slowing down. I looked up and I swear my heart stopped for a moment when I saw Lucas walking towards us. "Morning Lucas" Carly smiled. Lucas barely spared her a glance and looked straight at Alex, "do you have a lighter?" He asked holding his hand out as if he already knew the answer. Alex reached into his pocket and placed a red lighter in Lucas' hand.

"Someone's in a mood again" Alex commented. "Whatever" he mumbled before looking over me at Chris, "you coming?"
"Am I supposed to come as well?" Chris groaned.
"Yeah, dick head, you're vice captain" Lucas rolled his eyes.
"Do I need to come?" I chimed in stepping towards Lucas. "No" he mumbled. "Yes" Chris corrected him , "you do Blakely".

Lucas rolled his eyes then turned around and began walking away from us. Chris, Alex, Carly and I stared after him, they all had the exact same confused expression but I wasn't confused, I was just a little hurt.

"What'd you do?" Alex asked glancing sideways at me. I looked at him then back at Lucas who was already halfway down the hallway. "Something stupid" I murmured.

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