Morning after food

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Blakely's POV
I woke to the sun burning my eyes. That was the first indication I wasn't in my room. I had placed my bed in a position that made sure I would never have to see the sun when I woke up. Who designed this room?

I rubbed my eyes and sat up slowly as the events of last night began to come back to me. I wasn't in my house, I was in Lucas'.
I felt my cheeks heat up when I remembered how much I'd cried and cuddled up to him last night. After what happened with my dad, I couldn't think straight, I drove home but I hated being there alone, so I just drove around town for a while before finally ending up at Lucas' house.

I smiled as I remembered the small details of the night before, like how Lucas didn't like tea and how kind his mother had been to me, but I cringed at the memory of basically everything else. I'd acted like a clingy girlfriend and Lucas had only just become my friend. I had to apologize and thank him for not kicking me out.

I climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom that was luckily for me, in the room. I didn't want to think about how gross I looked.
I had the longest shower I could before I began to feel bad about using all the hot water, then I wrapped a fluffy towel around myself and walked out of the bathroom.

I wasn't sure what I was going to wear to school, I just knew that I couldn't wear the same clothes I had the day before to school and to bed. As if my mind had been read, Ms Everett knocked on the door. When I opened it she had a handful of clothes with her.

"Good morning love, I heard you in the shower then I realized you probably don't want to go to school in those same clothes. These are just a few things I don't fit into anymore, I might need to get back into the gym huh" she smiled.
"Thank you so much Ms Everett".
"Why don't you just call me Amy, or if you must use a last name you can call me by my maiden name Dimsley".
"Yeah absolutely. I'm sorry, I didn't realize Everett wasn't your maiden name" I apologized.

"I understand why you would be confused, Lucas stopped going by Dimsley when he was only about 7" she smiled. I could see a hint of sadness in her eyes when she said that but I didn't want to cross any boundaries or make her upset by asking about it so I just nodded, "Thanks again for everything Ms Dimsley" I corrected myself.
She smiled and handed me the clothes, "my pleasure".

Most of the stuff she had looked like something my own mom would've worn, and I loved my mom's clothes so it was pretty promising. I ended up in a pair of light washed blue mom jeans and a light gray knitted sweater. I put my hair into a bun at the back of my head and left a few curls down to frame my face, then I slipped on my grey converses that I'd worn yesterday.

I looked relatively presentable. A lot more so than yesterday, and I was in women's clothing which was another plus. I used one of the unopened tooth brushed and cleaned my teeth before heading downstairs.

Lucas was nowhere to be seen, but Ms Dimsley was in the kitchen frying up some bacon. There was a plate full of eggs that had already been cooked next to the stove.
"Hope you're hungry" she smiled placing a couple of strips of bacon onto the plate next to the eggs.

"Starving" I smiled back. I decided to wash up the dishes she'd already used while I waited for her to finish cooking. "Oh sweetie, you don't have to do that!" Ms Dimsley said.
"It's the least I can do" I shrugged.
"Wow, you really are a sweetheart aren't you" she smiled shaking her head. "So I've heard" I joked.

"Did you sleep well last night?"
"I sure did, thanks again for letting me stay here". "It's absolutely no problem. Quite the opposite in fact, you're doing the dishes for me! Will you stay please?"
"Won't it get frustrating having two teenagers around?" I laughed. "Oh, nonsense. We can send Lucas away. Boarding school would do him some good".

"Lucas at boarding school?" I laughed even more. "All boys" Ms Dimsley added laughing as well. "Oh no. I don't know if that'd work for him" I grinned shaking my head.
Ms Dimsley stopped what she was doing for a second and stared at me with an odd smile, "you know a fair bit about him don't you".

"Well, I don't know. He doesn't seem like a two dimensional guy, there's so much to him I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to figure him out".
"I'm glad you see that" she smiled placing the last of the bacon on the plate, "I know he comes across as a bit of a jerk, and frankly...he is. But that's not all there is to him, if he was just that player that everyone thinks he is, I'd probably disown the kid" she laughed.

"But you haven't" I smiled.
"No, I haven't. And I never would. I couldn't have asked for a better son. That boy has been through so much, yet he continues to be the same person, he tried to look after me like I'm the child, and even though it's gotten him into trouble recently, I still love him for it. He's such a beautiful, thoughtful, gentle and kind person it shocks me sometimes".

I couldn't have agreed more. I'd seen qualities in Luke that I'd never seen in anyone else before. He was willing to let me stay at his house for as long as I needed without even knowing why. He managed to make me feel so much better after I had a panic attack whilst driving and nearly got myself killed. Even though it wasn't the smartest response, he had punched his best friend just for tapping my cheek, he'd changed completely and gone from my worst nightmare to one of the best people I knew. I was so comfortable around him it scared me, I trusted him with the darkest parts of my life and the lightest. The things Ms Dimsley said about him weren't news to me, she was just shedding light on something I'd been ignoring for so long.

"I smell bacon!" Lucas boomed jumping down the stairs.

I was pulled out of my train of thoughts and smiled in his direction. He was wearing a moss green sweater and a pair of black jeans with rips at the knees. Typical Lucas Everett outfit.

"Mother" he kissed his mom's forehead before stealing a strip of bacon from the plate next to her. "Manners" she chuckled shaking her head. Lucas came and stood next to me. He grabbed the dish towel I had on my shoulder and began drying the plates I'd washed, "I'm not even surprised you're doing the dishes Blakely".

"Of course" I laughed.
"So what were you two talking about before I came down? I heard laughter" he said shoving his hands into the water then flicking the soapy liquid at my face.
I nudged him in the rib but he just laughed proudly at himself.

"We were talking about you" Ms Dimsley said. Lucas raised an eyebrow and looked at me.
"It's secret" I teased. "Oh come on" Lucas whined looking at his mom. "You heard her, top secret".

"I'll get it out of you" he mumbled wiping down the last dish I'd washed.
"Good luck" I scoffed pulling the plug on the drain. Before it was all gone I splashed a bit of it at Lucas, just as payback for before.

We made our way to the table and had breakfast there. I felt weirdly comfortable around both Lucas and his mom. They had this welcoming energy to them that just made me feel like I could trust them both instantly.
After a while though, Lucas and I had to go to school.

"We can take my car" I offered pulling my keys out of my backpack.
"Yeah do that, so I don't have to drive you, I like that plan" Ms Dimsley nodded.
I smiled and waved before leaving the house with Lucas close behind me.

He took the keys from me before I even opened the car then headed for the drivers side. I sighed and decided to let him have it, again. I figured it must've been some sort of masculinity thing.
"Wanna go TP your dad's house?" Lucas joked after a long moment of silence.
"Shut up" I laughed.

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