Kinda good

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"Wait, didn't they go on tour with One Direction?" Ryan frowned dipping a chip that was already coated in chicken salt into barbecue sauce. "No" I grumbled, "that was 5 seconds of summer, I'm talking about the 1975".
"Ohhh right, got you" he nodded, "so that's your favorite band?"
"At the moment" I forced a smile, "what about you?" "Umm, I don't really listen to bands. But I love Khalid, his music is sick" Ryan answered.

"Oh cool, Khalid is pretty great" I agreed. Ryan nodded and we both just sat there nodding slowly. That's how most of the day had gone so far. After 4 falls onto my backside I called it a day on ice skating, so we settled on eating chips and talking instead. The conversation was so dry that I definitely would've preferred skating but I didn't want to make Ryan feel bad so I just sat through it and answered his questions.

"I'm gonna grab some water, you want anything?" I offered climbing off my stool. "Uhhh, hold on" he reached into his pocket and pulled out a $10 note, "I'm fine but you get whatever you need" he smiled holding it out to me. I stared at the note in his hand then up at him and waited for him to further explain why he was giving me money.

"Take it" he shook the note in my face so I took a step back, "I can afford a $2 bottle of water, but thank you" I smiled. "Oh come on, it's the guys job to pay for everything on a date right?" Ryan persisted.
There were so many things wrong with that statement I didn't know where to start. "Um, no I don't think it is. I'll be fine though" it was probably best to pick my battles.
"Come on Blakely" he insisted standing up, "what kind of man would I be if I didn't-"
"A sane one, Ryan" I snapped, "I can buy myself a bottle of water, this isn't a date and it'll never be your job to buy me anything, okay?"

Ryan looked dumbfound. He stared at me and blinked a couple of times before sitting back down, "Okay, sorry".
I suddenly felt bad. He was only trying to be nice. I was just in the worst mood because of how this day was going, my mind was all over the place and it really wasn't Ryan's fault.
"I'm sorry" I sighed climbing back onto the seat across from him. He folded his arms on the table, "I should be the one apologizing. I'm probably coming on a bit strong aren't I".

I smiled teasingly and nodded, "a little bit".
"'s a secret, I've never had a girlfriend before, or been on a date, or even liked someone" Ryan confessed, "this is a first for me". "Really?" I raised an eyebrow and he laughed at my expression. "You're surprised?" "A little bit" I admitted, "you're not a bad guy, and you're pretty okay to look at".
"Pretty okay to look at?" Ryan laughed.

"Yeah" I smiled, "you're not hideous".
"Well you already know how I feel about your physical appearance" Ryan rested his elbow on the table then his head on the palm of his hand. "Yeah I do" I nodded tracing my finger around the edge of the bowl of chips, "wow, you're so beautiful" I mimicked him in an awed tone.

"Shut up" Ryan laughed, "I was half asleep and everyone I served before you was really old".
"Oh, so I just got lucky then?" I teased.
"Yes and no" Ryan smirked, "I probably wouldn't have said that had the circumstances been different, but looking at you now I can safely say I really wasn't wrong".

My cheeks burned red and Ryan clearly noticed. He smiled proudly at himself then said, "so are you gonna get water or not?"
"I might" I shrugged but I didn't make an effort to move. Ryan stared at me expectantly but I just sat in front of him and looked at the bowl of chips.
"You alright?" He asked with a clear ringing of amusement in his tone. "Yeah" I nodded then I forced myself to climb off the chair. I went to the kiosk and got myself a bottle of water like I'd planned then took my time getting back to Ryan.

He was standing up and had his phone in his hand so I assumed we were going somewhere else now. "Are we leaving?" I asked.
"yeah" he nodded, "if that's alright with you?"
"It is" I smiled. Ryan didn't hold my hand again all day and for that I was thankful. It was clear he'd calmed down a little bit since the start of the day which made him all the more likable. I even began to enjoy my time with him towards the end of the day.

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