The lookout

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Lucas' POV
"Mom I'm going to work!" I yelled from the front door. "Are you taking my car?" She yelled back. "Can I?" "You're funny, wear good walking shoes!"

I took the keys anyway. I did it all the time and as much as my mom tried to act like she cared, she couldn't give less of a fuck.

I was already running late and walking or going on my skateboard would only make me later. My boss, Dave was really sick of me as of recently. The guy was a fucking asshole but I had to deal with it because he pretty much owned my ass.

"Guess who's late again!" Dave exclaimed when I walked into the staff area. "Sorry Dave" I mumbled grabbing an apron. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Making coffees?" It sounded like a question only because I thought it was pretty obvious.
"Oh, did I forget to call you? Yeah, you don't work here anymore".

"You're kidding!" I exclaimed.
"Sorry, better luck at your next job Lukey, I just wouldn't recommend using me as a reference if you want a job" he patted me on the back then walked around me to serve some customers.

I wanted to yell at Dave but I needed this job, and using abusive language towards him wouldn't get it back for me. I followed him and took a deep breath, "please Dave, you don't understand how much I need this".
"And you don't understand how much I don't care. Now go...brush your leg hairs, or whatever t is you do with your free time" Dave said, "NEXT" he called.

"Dave please"
"Do I have to call the police to escort you out? Unless you're buying something you have no reason to be here, especially back here. This are the staff areas".
I couldn't believe that actually happened. If I didn't need to look after my mom, I would've been more than happy to leave, heck, I probably would've quit.

I was pissed off, mainly at myself for not being able to look after my mom. I wasn't thinking when I punched the glass screen that covered the cakes and muffins behind the counter. It shattered and caught everyone's attention, especially David's. In the moment it felt great to see his face. But when I realized that he was probably going to make me pay for the damage or spend some time in prison, I regretted it. I bolted out of the shop.

I couldn't go home because I knew my mom would figure out I was fired. I didn't want to go to Chris or Alex's place. They would both ask questions non stop. So I settled for the lookout. It was a really shitty spot. You couldn't see anything because of the trees so it wasn't much of a look out which was why no one was ever there, which what why I went there when I needed a bit of space.

I sat on the hood of my moms car and stared at the spider eating a ladybug. It was disgusting and really sad but also kind of fascinating. That was probably the best view I'd get from the lookout. Focusing on that kept my mind off how I was going to afford life in general. I was barely doing it with a job, without a job was going to be impossible. It wasn't something that I wanted on my mind for the time being.

I must've sat there for at least an hour before I spotted a car moving up the steep slope to the lookout point.
I would've left if I wasn't so shocked that someone else actually came to this shitty ass spot. It wasn't until the car was parked a couple of spaces across from mine that I realized it was a black Holden Captiva, just like the one Blakely freaking Wood drove.

She got out of the car and looked at me with a frown, "what are you doing here?" She asked.
"Nice to see you too" I mumbled resting back onto my elbows.
"Hi" she murmured.

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