Chapter 11

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Jiyeon POV

Daegu! This place is known for their apples~ Though I prefer strawberries heh

Mr Jung brought me, Shujin, Kihyun, Minhyuk and Hani, a girl from our class to the college here for an event where big business company representatives gives out speeches on why their company is the best and why we should enter for intern.

Though it's not like I'm gonna enter any of them, or even go through internship, I'm still interested to listen about other companies.

Shujin in the other hand collected brochures given out for us and shared with Hani, the both of them is known in school as top students since young, they dream big too huh...

Minhyuk is busy showing Kihyun the cute girls in the college, hmm, boys will be boys.

Mr Jung brought us to the hall where students from different colleges gather at, seems like the speech will be starting soon.

"Sit here kids, I'm going to have a meeting with the other lecturers in the cafeteria, meet me there when the event is over alright!" Mr Jung showed us our seats and left hurrily, I bet he's just going to hit up the female lecturers.

"Can I sit beside you?" Kihyun says as I sat beside Shujin. I swear this guy has something wrong with him. Since the morning when we ride the bus from Yeosu to Daegu, he always finds the seat beside me...

Is he?...

Trying to hit on me?


I bet he just likes my watch and is trying to get closer to me in order to get one from me... Sly kid... Never a chance to sit beside me boy~


Did I just... SAID SURE?

"Thanks!" Kihyun grinned as he sits down.

Oh my god, I swear to god what is HAPPENING TO ME!

The hall's lights turned off as a spotlight shines towards the stage in the middle. There stands a built man with fair skin, face looking like an angel, getting ready for his speech.


"I know right." Shujin says, eyes googling at the man. Did I just said that aloud? What is happening to me today?

"I can't see properly, the spotlight's too bright." Minhyuk continues.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, first of all, I'd like to thank all of you who attended this event. I'd also like to thank the college for holding this event and inviting me. As the first speaker, I'm honoured to tell you all, my name is Wonho, Chief Financial Officer of The Connect Business Magazine."

As the man, Wonho speaks, I suddenly felt a cold hand beside me. Kihyun's eyes were wide open and sweats rolled down his face. Wait... His side profile is handsome...


"Kihyun, you okay?" I asked him as I touch his cold hands. "You're sweating! It's cold in this hall Kihyun!"

Kihyun snaps his head towards me, no, he looked at our hands first. "I- I'm okay..." And he kept his hands into his hoodie's pocket.

Weird but okay... At this point, I think this Kihyun boy is straight up creepy. I mean, he's smart as hell, cute too, and... Wait, did I just say cute? JIYEON!

"Our company is in need for young , intelligent and fast interns as the company will be taken over by the current CEO's son, Yoo Kihyu-"

Wonho stopped talking suddenly as he looks at me, am I that pretty that he couldn't continue talking? Oh gosh I didn't know I had this power.

"Jiyeon, is he looking at you? Oh my gosh is this love at first sight?" Shujin and Hani whispered and hit my shoulder.

In the other hand, Kihyun looks like he's been possessed by some demon, his lips went pale and eyeballs looks like they're gonna fall out anytime.

"Kihyung, Yoo Kihyung is the name of his son." Wonho continues and looked at the other students.

A cold breath came out of Kihyun mouth as he slouches into his seat.

"Kihyun, the CEO's son's name is so close to yours man!" Minhyuk hits Kihyun while Kihyun just nodded weakly.

Shujin and Hani couldn't stop talking about how hot Wonho and some other speakers are. Though I can't disagree with them, the speakers are all young and handsome.

But why did all the guys mom sent me to meet are ugly as hell? This is not fair!

We headed back to Yeosu after the event and Kihyun went home straight away. The rest of us just went to hangout in the Lee's cafe.

Sorry guys, I was dead after Alligator release but woke up again now kekekekekek
Hope you guys like this chapter! Byeee

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