Chapter 4

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Kihyun thought about Hyungwon's suggestion later that night in his hot bubble spa bath. He seriously needs to relax, the anniversary is more than half a year away yet he feels like it's in a week.

Hyungwon's hometown, a small countryside at the lowest part of South Korea. His grandparents are the richest family in the town, Hyungwon and his parents are the only people who moved to Seoul from the town. People there don't have much access to the internet due to poverty, most of them are either farmers or fishermen. The government bulit schools and college for the children there, so that they'd still get proper education.

Kihyun thought maybe he could go there as a small getaway, but why did Hyungwon suggest this place when Kihyun's problem now is he needs a wife? Would Kihyun marry someone from a small town with only a college degree?
Though Kihyun is fine with it, but will his father be okay?

"What do you mean you're going to Hyungwon's hometown!"

The answer is no, because that's exactly the expression Kihyun's father has on his face right now.

The brakfast table is filled with fresh toast,half boiled eggs and some healthy fruits. The scent of Vietnamese coffee filled the dining room. It's a beautiful Tuesday morning with birds chirping and trees swaying. Kihyun took a sip of his coffee before starting: "Dad, I need some time to think. If nothing comes out from me by the end of October, I'll get married to your designated daughter in law. But if I do find someone, I'll be back early and get married before the anniversary."

"What do you mean get married? Are you gonna marry someone from Hyungwon's hometown? Son, girls from that town has zero knowledge about the city, all they do is knit and farm! And what about the company? Who's gonna do your job?" Kihyun's father is furious. I mean, who wouldn't get angry? Korea's next youngest CEO is marrying someone from a poor town!

"Dad, young people there has at least a college degree now. They are not poor dad, they are all counted as average class now. Young people are already applying for jobs outside of town. Hyungwon himself is a lawyer here in Seoul! I believe Hoseok and Changkyun can cover my work for a few months."

Kihyun's father thought about it for a moment, the dining room fell silent and the maids were all shocked. The young master is going to a small town in search of a wife? Will one of their relatives be his wife? The maids were whispering stuff like "Why would young master marry poor people like us?" "Does that mean we get a chance too?" and "People from town should be working for him,just like us"

Kihyun heard them all, but he didn't say anything. Even he himself is questioning, why? He could've just gone to any mall in Seoul and hit up any cute girls he like. And they marry each other an-


"WHAT?" All the maids shouted in unison towards Kihyun's father,only to look down quickly and run out the dining room. Kihyun himself was shocked too, he didn't expect his father to approve in less than half an hour.

"I'll give you 6 months, if you don't have anyone in your mind by the end of June, you have to return and be married in August. July for you to confirm your partner, September for your honeymoon and November for the anniversary." Kihyun quickly nodded his head like a puppy waiting for treats, the both of them had breakfast quietly after that and left for work.

Six months is a long time right? He will be able to find someone right? But isn't it too fast? Most of his friends gets married after dating for 2 or more years. Kihyun had deep thoughts on the way to work until his vision stop focusing on the road.


Kihyun jumped in his seat and avoided the on coming car, but he didn't notice there was a girl on the sidewalk.

There's not enough time to avoid her, and the girl was too busy reading a map.


Kihyun's gonna be late to work for the first time in his whole career.

A/N: I wonder who that girl is🤔
I don't have school tomorrow yayay
Hope y'all like this chapter though there's not much content🤷🏻‍♀️

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