Chapter 7

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"Yah Hyungwon-ah, here's your frien- Aaand seems like she's gone." Kihyun was greeted by a smiling Hyungwon and the front of the elevator. Hyungwon reassured his friend that the girl has went off with the friend of his.

The two man sat down in Hyungwon's office to have a cup of coffee. Though Kihyun is late but he made sure his works are updated by his assistant in his office.

"Good thing you came, I had something to tell you." Hyungwon turned on the news on the TV as they sat down.

"The famous Chae's Watch Company has been rumoured to be changing their CEO. Current CEO Chae Jong Hwan told the media that he will be retiring by the end of the year, and someone related to him will be taking over his place. Netizens have been discussing who will the future CEO is as the CEO's only son, Lawyer Char HyungWon will definitely not be the one taking ove-" Hyungwon turned off the TV and sees Kihyun registering the information in his mind.

Probably 2 to 3 minutes of silence passed until Kihyun spoke up.
"You mean your parents' company will be handed over to someone else?"

"Apparently, yes."

"So what you gonna do about it?I mean you guys can't just give it to any random buyer right?And you don't even have any cousins."

"I don't know man, I kinda hope you take it." Hyungwon sips his coffee while Kihyun choked on air.

"Chill man, just kidding. So how's your plan with your future wife?" Hyungwon passed Kihyun a bottle of water and waits for him to calm down.

The thing is, Hyungwon actually does hope Kihyun will take over his father's watch company, well at least make the watch and magazine company into one, because that's how much he trusts him. Though Kihyun can just buy the company over, but Hyungwon has another plan in his mind.

"I'm going to your hometown, maybe get some fresh air and relax. But Changkyun and Wonho told me to change my identity, you have any suggestions? It's kinda hard now since I told your friend's friend I know you."

As Kihyun says his reply, Hyungwon's bulb in his head lighted up. He's one step closer to his plan, all he need is to make sure Kihyun finds the right person in his hometown.

The two of them discussed and chatted for about half an hour. Kihyun then left for work. During his drive, he's been thinking when, how and where he'd be in Yeosu.

He messaged his assistant to hold a meeting after lunch with all of the higher ups in the company, to talk about his leave.

He hope that all of them would be positive about his decision, eventhough his dad, the CEO had given him an approval days ago, he just need to make sure everyone will be okay with it and keep the company fine without him in charge.

As the meeting nears, Kihyun couldn't get himself to calm down. His palm are sweating and his heartbeat increasing. Never once in his life he takes a leave for such a long time, 6 months!

"Good afternoon everyone, I hope you had a great lunch just now. For today's meeting, it's not about the company. Well maybe it is but it's mainly about me." As Kihyun continues on, the others in the meeting room just listened quietly. Kihyun has started to get worried, will they all just give him a big fat no and then return to their work?

"...I shall let you all to discuss befor-"

"Just go Kihyun." One of them started.

"Mr Yoo had told us about it yesterday." Changkyun nodded his head towards Kihyun's father while the others just nodded casually.

"You guys had held a meeting?" Kihyun was surprised, he had zero idea that all of them have already knew about it. Which explains why Changkyun and Wonho and discussed about the whole identity thing with him last night as if the leave is already approved by the others. Turns out it is!

"Just make sure it's not a waste of time being out for so long." Namjoon, the head of editing team says.

"Bring us a nice wife of future CEO back bro" Seokjin, another higher up from the content department adds.

"I... Thank you guys, and the CEO, thank you." Kihyun looks at his dad happily while bowing his head to the others. He is sure he looks like a fresh grad getting accepted to the company after an interview.

Kihyun made sure he finish all his works by evening and have his assistant keep track of everything he did. In this 6 months, the CEO had offered to take over his works, since all the CEO do is just sign approvals and meet important clients.

Kihyun went home and started packing all the stuff he needs and searched for places to stay, the college and entertainments nearby.

He will leave for Yeosu in 2 days.

A/N : What is up guys!
I'm sorry I couldn't update fast these few days, been busy with academics.
Maybe not updating next week too, since I'm going to be celebrating Chinese New Year in my mom's hometown. Hope you guys like this chapter!

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