Chapter 5: Peter Who?

Start from the beginning

She didn't know what he planned to do but she nodded.

He slowly dipped her hand in the water, "See the ripples?"


"They're caused by the exchange of potential and kinetic energy. Each time the surface tension is broken, the ripples are made. Not waves. Why? Because waves take energy provided from a more prominent force."

He was still holding her hand.

"Okay, so?" She asked.

"So! That means this pool of water has an origin source that is completely undisturbed. In closed."

Lilith didn't know what to say.

"That doesn't make any sense. Every body of water is effected by the gravitational pull of the moon. So even if the source of this water is from an underground well, there should still be waves. Or motion. Or something!"

Jonathan shook his head, "But that's exactly my point! If this water is from earth, why aren't there waves? Why is it only a third party can create motion? And only a ripple, at that?"

"Are you suggesting this water is unearthly?" Lilith inquired.

Jonathan shrugged his shoulders, "That's the only thing I could think of. Unless you have another theory?"

Lilith looked at the water again and eventually shrugged as well.

"I have no idea. I guess it's a mystery we'll never know"

Jonathan smirked and stroked her palm with his thumb. Her breath caught in her throat as their eyes met, only inches apart.

"Mysteries are better anyway."

Lilith's heart fluttered at remembrance of their conversation not moments ago when he called her a mystery.

Strange how this boy she just met had already caught her attention.

"Wendi!" Mike moaned, "Why not?"

"I will not carry you home, Mike, because you are not a child and I do not need to help you."

Jonathan and Lil stood up and turned around. Wendi had collected the trash and was hovering over Mike.

"Get up," she warned, "Or you'll be sleeping here alone."

Mike shot up like a bullet out of a gun.

They all laughed.

"You two coming?" Wendi called to them.

"Yeah, one second!" Jonathan replied.

He flipped his hair a little and stuck his hands in his pocket, "So, I'm assuming you haven't had much fun since you've got here."

"Not really. Unless you consider unpacking to be an enjoyable activity. But today was nice."

"That's good. Uh, anyway, do you maybe want to hang out tomorrow? I could show you around?"

Lilith folded her arms across her chest and shuffled her feet.

"I kind of already promised your sister she could show me around tomorrow..."

He immediately took an unintentional step back, "Oh, right. No problem. I was just wondering."

Lilith took a small step forward and nudged his arm, "But I can give her a rain check."

Jonathan looked up, pleased, and kicked a rock with his shoe.

"Great, I'll drop by your house about eleven."

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