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Thank you @Lennyfacequeen133 for consistently reading haha

There was a rainstorm outside which matched the feelings of a certain Icelandic teen. He sighed softly as he walked down the stairs to grab some licorice and a kurig latte.

When he spotted Tino's worried face, he went to run back upstairs. "Emil... please talk..."

The teen couldn't stand making Tino upset, so he turned around and once he started to explain the tears rolled down his cheeks, "Th-The boy I love d-doesn't want anything t-to do with me..." he sobbed, his heart was breaking.

Tino gently pulled the sobbing boy to his chest with a sigh, "Do you want to explain... or should I let this go until you're ready?"

"H-He texts in th-the group chat- b-but... he doesn't acknowledge me at all!" Emil hiccuped, his tears were soaking Tino's sweater.

"Tell him, tell him your feelings and why you're so upset... I haven't seen you look so happy in such a long time..." Tino pulled away, "I'll make cookies while you figure things out, and if the worst happens at least you know you've tried."

A small sad smile tugged on Emil's lips, "You're right... I should just tell him." He murmured.


Hipster: Leon we need to talk whether you like it or not

Do you understand how it feels to just be ignored in front of everyone?? How it feels when you told me you didn't want to talk to me?

It hurts! It hurts a lot more than you know!

Especially because I didn't have anyone for a long time and you were the one person I counted on, and you left me too.

I don't know why I should be surprised, love never comes easy, especially when the person you love wants nothing to do with you!

Pancakes: Uhm, Emil, this is the group chat..

Hipster: Oh my god

*Hipster has left the group*


Tino gasped, "What happened?!"

"I confessed in the group chat, oh my god, my life is over-" Emil burst into a fresh set of tears, causing Tino to panic but expertly take control as he cuddled him and stuffed him with cookies.

PM from PastaLord

PastaLord: Hey, I'm really fucking bad at comforting, but if you need anything I'm here

Hipster: Did anyone say anything??

PastaLord: they're mostly confused and pissed at Leon for just up and abandoning you

Hipster: Did Leon see it...?

PastaLord: Yeah. He didn't say anything which is fucking stupid but he read it and like didn't do anything else.

Hipster: Great, he hates me more. I embarrass myself only to be rewarded with humiliation and hate

PastaLord: honestly what you did was cool, you definitely got his attention

Hipster: He hates me... and it's all I can accept. Thanks for comforting me tho

PastaLord: np I gtg Bc it's late here, nite

Hipster: Gn

Group Chat (Spamano, Prucan, HongIce)Where stories live. Discover now