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Pancakes: Good morning everyone!

Pancakes: I mean, if it even is morning for you?

PastaLord: It's like ten here

(I'm lazy and not doing accurate math so sue me)

Tomate: Same here

Pancakes: oh I'm sorry :(

PastaLord: I barely sleep, you're fine

ChingChong: It's like four am here

PastaLord: Holy Shit, no one cares

ChingChong: Bítch

PastaLord: Pfft please I've been called worse

Awesome: No swearing on my Christian Minecraft server!

PastaLord: Fuck

PastaLord: Bitch

PastaLord: Ass

Tomate: Oof

PastaLord: Did you just Oof us?

Tomate: No...

*PastaLord sent a screenshot*

Tomate: I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling Italians!

PastaLord: Right. Anyways, what are you?

Pancakes: Oh my god, Karen, you can't just ask people what are they!



ChingChong: Faggots

Hipster: Says you

ChingChong: You aim to wound me

Hipster: Is it working?

ChingChong: Nah

Hipster: Damn

Tomate: Haha! I'm Spanish! I live in Spain along with @awesome ! He's Prussian tho!

PastaLord: Didn't Prussia collapse?

Awesome: You have no right! All my ancestors were Prussian!

Pancakes: if it makes you feel better there's actually Prussian territory here in Canada, it's called New Prussia.

Awesome: Mattie, I'm coming to visit you

Pancakes: Ah, but I live in Ontario tho :'/

Awesome: Road trip bitch!

PastaLord: Invite me to the wedding

Pancakes: Will do

Awesome: it'll be the most awesome wedding ever

Pancakes: Oh Gil~~~~

Awesome: Oh Mattie~!!!

Hipster: Oh joy

ChingChong: Something you don't feel

Tomate: Whats your name anyways, Hipster?

Hipster: I'm not a hipster, just a recluse. My name is Emil, I'm 16, and I live in Iceland

ChingChong: Neato. O yah I'm from HongKong

PastaLord: Huh, ChingChong... HongKong... goes together well

ChingChong: You must be a genius

PastaLord: I'm in an elite private school so yeah

ChingChong: Shit boy I thought Asians were the smart ones

Awesome: Are you smart?

ChingChong: I'm smart with tactics and manipulation not like math or whatever

Hipster: oh boo I thought you could help me with calculus since we're in the same grade

ChingChong: I mean I'm not a genius but I could probably help you anyways

Tomate: Groupchat turned study session

Pancakes: How fun! I'll send mine!

PastaLord: fml, I'll just send pasta

*Hipster sent two photos*

*PastaLord sent one photo*

*Pancakes sent one photo*

Awesome: Pancakes... your handwriting is awesome

PastaLord: Holy fuck it's beautiful

Pancakes: It's just cursive?

Hipster: That's god level cursive

ChingChong: Straight outta a Victorian novel

Tomate: gay*

ChingChong: You right, my mistake

Pancakes: gtg my brother is being a little bitch

PastaLord: omfg the baby swore!

Awesome: idk whether to be proud or sad

Pancakes: sorry, but he seriously annoys me! How hard is it to wash the dishes with dish soap and not hand soap???

PastaLord: sounds like my dumbass bro, good luck my man

Awesome: press F for respect

Tomate: and R for regret

ChingChong: X for lowered expectations

Hipster: the best you got?

ChingChong: best I got on three hours of sleep

Hipster: You get a pass

ChingChong: Thank you almighty hipster

Hipster: I take it back

*ChingChong sent a screenshot*

ChingChong: No takes backsies

Hipster: Curse you technology

Tomate: Sorry! I gtg too! I need to garden!

Awesome: loser

Tomate: Says you, you're helping me

Awesome: only because you're pathetic on your own

PastaLord: Like we all didn't see that

Tomate: How mean!

PastaLord: sns

Awesome: Guess I gotta go too, bye slackers!

PastaLord: bye

ChingChong: ttyl

Hipster: goodbye

Group Chat (Spamano, Prucan, HongIce)Where stories live. Discover now